We'll stay together...forever

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There was light everywhere. The sky was drenched in the pouring light. The winds were loaded with sweet fragrances. She was happy. She was smiling lying in the bright green grass of meadows with her silky hair open. She closed her eyes and felt the tingling sensation in her hair. She knew who it was. She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to open her eyes for what if it was just a dream? what if it all disappeared if she opened her eyes? what if she fall back in the darkness...no she didn't open her eyes. Sometimes eyes aren't the only means to see. We can see with our hearts too, if they are pure...

She opened her eyes slowly and gradually. It was all dark. All black. Her heart began to sink. Was it really a dream? Just a dream? Was she back in the darkness? All alone once again? Everything came pouring back to her mind. Her loneliness, her depression, her dismay, her cries...Is it all what life can offer? Is life this much cruel to everyone? Do we have to suffer until death? Can we not be happy? not even once?

Her heart was racing. She was unable to see anything around her. She got up and searched blindly for her slippers, wrapped her hair and clutched them with a clip. She went near a wall and sensed a curtain. Pulling it away she let the daylight pour in. Her eyes squinted for a moment. As she opened the window, a silent breeze of air swept across her body. She let it all in. It felt a bit soothing but silent. She turned back and glanced all over the room. The room was not very big but spacious enough to accommodate reasonable furniture. It was furnished really well with a touch of decency. She looked at the bed she had been sleeping in all night. There was just one pillow. There was a couch near the bed but it too was empty carrying no signs of anyone that might had been sleeping. There was no sign of him. She felt something piercing her heart. Where was he? Had he not been home all night?

She was in Bristol in the house of a person who she got married to yesterday. As there was no other ceremony to be done, so staying in London was pointless.

She took her dupatta (scarf or shawl) from the bed and after getting refreshed went into the kitchen. She had dreamed something pleasant and had a sound sleep without the pills after six years. Something was unusual.

She prepared her breakfast and went into the lounge but paused for once. She placed the tray on the the table and started wrapping up the sheets that were spread on the couch. He had been sleeping there for the night, she knew. But where was he? she couldn't tell. After having her breakfast she started with the chores, swept the floors, washed the dishes, unpacked her clothes and placed them in her wardrobe. She passed three hours doing all this but he didn't show up.

She changed her clothes, opened her hair, brushed them and stood reflecting herself in the mirror. Her hair were long enough to touch her lower back. Her big lashes did not need any fancy thing to look prettier.

She went out and strolled in the small green lawn. It was not very big but it was pleasant walking there. The sky was overclouded, while it was all quiet around. After having a walk for sometime she came back to her bedroom with a sinking heart. Why wasn't he back? Had he left her? Alone? Did he still hate her? Would he ever be back? She looked at her hands which were imprinted with delicate hina designs. Her ring was not very expensive but it attracted her towards itself strangely.

Time passed, clocks ticked by but no sign of him was sensed. Why was this happening to her? Why now? Why happiness turned its back right when it was just an inch away from her? Why did that always happen to her? Had he left her for good? She held her head in her hands thinking all about her life, when she heard the main door close. She leaped up from her seat and took a deep breathe of relief. She looked about herself and gulped.
Her heartbeat accelerated as she walked out of the room and looked at him. He placed the keys on the table. Their gazes met for an instant but he looked away and stepped towards the bathroom passing by her.

Love is Faith (An Islamic love story) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now