"I see nothing ahead!"

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*Edit*  All of the intro's and story parts were written back in 2016

Assalam o alaikum :) Here's the next chapter people!

Please do not get offended upon hareem's thoughts about Allah, she is a human being with all the imperfections we ourselves have, especially with a condition like her. Actually this itself is the focused topic of this story, the complains we make towards Allah, and how He responds. One thing more guys, as you know i'm a new writer so I don't have much experience with the first person narrations, we call POV, so I don't know if i'd be writing any POV from my characters' side. I might continue with the third person narration. Please help me out with your support by giving comments and votes!


  go on and read! :)

                                                         ALLAH is the greatest!

                                                         ALLAH is the greatest! (azan: call for prayer)

The words of muaddhan( the person who gives azan in a mosque) travelled through the wrenching waves of air and reached her ears, swirling in her brain and running through her warm blood, reaching her heart and tearing apart every cell of her body, as she took the most difficult steps on the rough roads with her bare feet,

                                 I testify that there is no god except ALLAH! (azan)

It was the time of fajr (one of the five prayers that muslims offer in a day). The mourning shoals of dry winds struck her feeble body, ripping her soul apart. She could barely take even the tiny steps, as she stumbled with every couple of steps she took, like a baby.

I testify that Muhammad(PBUH: Peace Be Upon Him) is the Messenger of ALLAH! (azan)

The azan continued to ring in the silent air, as it was the only sound that could be heard then. The dark haunted trees stood in utter silence, lamenting, not daring to stare the weak figure walking past them.

                                                               Come to prayer! (azan)

Her head was bowed, not trying to see in the front, her hair a mess, and her torn shawl flying carelessly like a defeated flag of a state, across one of her drooped shoulders. It was still dark as the sun could not gather courage enough to show up and face the bright day, ahead.

                                                              Come to success! (azan)

Her face was hidden in the darkness, not lighting up even a bit, in the dim street lights.

                                    Salat (Namaz: prayer) is better than sleep! (azan)

Love is Faith (An Islamic love story) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now