Released!! he...??

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It has been confirmed from our sources that famous popstar of Pakistan, Zohaib Asfand, known as Z.A. has posted a letter to their friends informing them that he is leaving his music career behind...this is a terrible news for all of his fans...what could possibly be the reason behind it...?

The news was all over the press...
Three weeks had passed and he was still a prisoner. His face looked so different, so unfamiliar that it was unable to recognize him. He had turned weak, his body was no longer in a shape it used to brag. He himself was not the same. The person whose voice could turn mountains into pieces, rivers into silence had been unheard since the day he was doomed, the day when his dreams were withered away. Now he remained silent, and was not bothered anymore by the diet he was offered. He neither threatened Hareem nor complaint for anything else. He did not even cried with pain, when he was beaten.

"Don't you feel pain? are you not bothered here?" Hareem used to ask him such questions curiously and somewhat irritated by his silence, sometimes, but he never answered. His head remained bowed with utter silence.

"I guess our guest is getting used to the hospitality he is being given." She then used to reply herself after waiting for his answer for quite a long gap.

Like all the other days she was here with him after he had done his so-called lunch.

"So How was your lunch?" She asked cheerfully, and rather sarcastically, but there was no answer.

"You must be pretty, hurt inside huh? After all your 'dream thing'...?" She asked after a long empty pause.

No answer, his head was bowed, he was alive but looked no different than a dead body. She sighed. She was getting annoyed...


Her phone kept on ringing until she came out of the bathroom, drying her wet hair. She picked up the phone and rolled her eyes, it was tehreem,


"Salam Hareem, how are you doing?" Tehreem's  voice erupted.

"Fine" Hareem was in no mood to talk to her.

" are things going with you?"

She felt irritated and wanted to slam the phone in the wall but tried not to do it.

"yeah...good" she replied gritting her teeth.

"'re mom is really upset for you.....she called me."

Hareem's features stiffened.

"Why are you not sharing it hareem? Why do you act weird? we all are here for you...your mom really cares about you...please don't do this to us."

Tehreem's voice broke, she was weeping over the phone. Fumes of anger left hareem's body and dissolved into the air.

"Why are you punishing us hareem..?? What is our fault..?? why are you punishing yourself...?? Why don't you offer your prayers?? Why don't you read Quran..??"
Tehreem kept on weeping. Her sobs could be heard over the phone

"Let me tell you this today...!!" she continued.
"I used to be jealous of you when you read Quran, offered prayers regularly and had such a strong bond with Allah...I used to imagine myself at your place and I used to think that one day I might really become like you...You know what Hareem...??" she paused for a moment and sniffed.

"That day has come..." she was not crying now.
"Allah has directed me to the right path Hareem...but I'm not no why..??"
Her sobs again started to vibrate in her ears, she was still annoyed not even affected a bit, same harsh expressions could be observed on her face
"...because the one who brought me to this stage...herself has got astrayed..."
she sobbed heavily over the phone while hareem without saying a word gritted her teeth and hung up...

Today she was not as cheerful, sitting in her chair, watching him get beaten up, as she used to be...something was bothering her...
She kept on wiggling her floating foot while looking at him, biting one of her nails...she had same harsh expressions there on her face...
He was being beaten, not a cry could be heard escaping his parched lips...
He was coloured with blue and dark patches of bruises but seemed like not feeling anything...
At last she abruptly got up from her chair.
"Stop it..!!" she shouted aggressively.
"Get out of here you two....NOW....!!!" her face grew red with anger.
The two huge men immediately left the room leaving them behind.
She stepped towards him and mercilessly started to pull off the ropes that were fastening him. He was loosened but did not move an inch, to push her away or to make an attempt to run...She held him by his collar and made him stand in front of her.
His eyes were closing, his head spinning, he still did not made a move. He could have pushed her out of his way and run but didn't.
"Why don't you scream..??? Why don't you shout..??" she stared at him with flushed cheeks.
"why don't you complain anymore..???" she was annoyed.
" have made me lose my temper." Her eyes were red with anger...she looked like a monster ready to eat up anything present in front of it...
"What do you think you are.....huh...???" She gritted her teeth, leaving his collar.
His head bowed as he took heavy breaths to maintain his position and consciousness.
"Tell me.....what are you...???" She shouted at the top of her lungs.
He remained silent.
"...An angel..??? or a God..!!!???" Her eyes opened fully staring at his blank pale face.
Silence death...nothing moved.
His breaths became more irregular, it was difficult for him to stand still, as his head grew heavy.
"Why.....Why me...??" This time her voice was low and weak, it was merely a whisper.
Something was moistening her cheeks..
"Why ME...!!!!!" her voice rose abruptly.
"I offered prayers....I read Quran....Allah was my best friend..!!! then why MEEE....???" She screamed as deep sobs shook her body.
"Tell me what did I ever do to you..??? What was MY fault...??? that I was not like the others...?? or I covered my body unlike others...?? tell me...why...???"
Her voice broke as she started to hit him with her fists with all the force she had.
His body started to tremble but not a word was uttered.
"W..Wh..Why...??" her muscles fatigued forcing her to stop hitting him. Sobs took over her as she screamed loudly.
His body trembled, shuddered and he fell on his knees in front of her, breathing heavily, he looked defeated.
"I...I..I'm..s..sorry...." some broken whispers hit her eardrums...the words came from him
"I...I'm...s..sorry..." his hands slowly came close to each other, joining the palms together, he looked like a beggar.
She opened her eyes, awakened from her sobs by his distorted whispers.
"I....I...r....really....s..sorry..f..for..what...I..." before he could finish she again pulled him harshly making him stand again. He did not dare to look into her eyes.
"No you're not sorry...I'll never forgive you hear that...??"
Her jaws tightened.
"You're a monster....!! you ruined my life...!!you ruined made me did this...!! and I will never...." her voice broke once again as she covered her mouth to hold back the heavy sobs that jerked her body. Her head bowed.
He stood silent, hot tears drenched his face, moistening his hands held in front of her.
"J...j..just...just....get lost..." she uttered in between her sobs...she was letting it all out. All that she had kept so deep inside her that it bursted out today with a devastating explosion. It had to come out one day....sooner or later...
He stood with his hands still in that position of asking for forgiveness, tears rolled over his face.
"I said get LOST...!!" She screamed maniacally.
He for the first time rose his eyes just for an instant to look at her, sighed painfully and slowly dragged himself towards the door... soon he was gone...
She knelt on the floor sobbing and crying loudly, covering her face with her wet palms and continued doing it till her heart's content...

Assalam o Alaikum :)
Here is the next chapter...earlier than expected ;)
I have a very important announcement to make today...I don't know where to start...okay here it goes...
  As you have read till now, that Hareem had suffered a lot both physically and psychologically...and now, when she had taken her revenge from Zohaib............everything is going to change from will have to become a patient reader :) yup....the story is going to have a need not to worry.....actually this story demands its own way of flowing...But don't worry...I give you my WORD on this....that you will never ever regret reading this story till the would be worth reading...I'll be really happy...So for now I just request you to be patient, with the way this story flows....just keep on diving with me and in the end you'll find out why I have made this author's note so lengthy.. ;)

Love is Faith (An Islamic love story) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now