Chapter 23: You know my name but i don't know yours

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Chapter 23: You know my name but i don't know yours

Gabbyson's Mum on the side!!! ------------------------------->

A cigarette will really help me in this situation. I sighed to myself, and wiped the tears off my cheeks, i managed to calm down a bit but my breath was still shaky and it felt as if i'll collapse if i stand up. I tried steadying myself on the dirty wall under the bridge.I breathed out. Pull yourself together, Gabbyson. I've never been this weak before and i'm not going to start now.

I put my hands inside the pockets of my hoodie, walking down the streets until i found the small,  quiet playground. 

I always loved coming here when i was a kid. Especially when something was bothering me. It helped me clear my mind.  But how was i supposed to clear my mind off Blade? That really seemed impossible. Why would he agree for us to be together in the first place if he didn't know what was coming? He's scared. He's scared only for himself. Of what people will think of him. 

Sitting on the swing, i looked up at he sky. He didn't even say that he loved me back in the car. Please let this just be a nightmare. 

I looked to my right and saw a mother bending down, talking to her daughter on the swing, while rocking the chains softly. She carelessly left her bag open next to me, revealing a pack of cigarettes. I bit my lip and thought what the heck. I slowly reached down to her bag and opened the packet. 'Smoking kills' well it's better to die than feel this pain that i'm having. I took one cigarette from it then closed the packet and put the cigarette in my pocket. Standing up, and hoping that no one saw me, i got up and walked away. 

Until i was stopped. "Excuse me but i don't think that's yours." A voice said. 

I turned around and and for a second i thought i saw Blade. But it wasn't him. So now i'm going to start seeing Blade everywhere? Great.

"I don't think it's any of your business." I said, to the young good looking adult standing in front of me. 

He smirked, putting his hands in his khaki skinny jeans pocket. "I just saw you stealing from this woman over there", he pointed. 

"So? What're you gonna do? Call the cops on me?" I said, pissed and not in the mood for this. 

"No, i want you to give it back and apologise." 

"What do you care? And it's only one cigarette, calm down." I said, turning around and walking away. 

"I care since you're probably under aged and i'm her cousin." His smile grew wider. 

"O-Oh." I said, trying to think of a way out of this.

He chuckled, "Just kidding." 

My arms dropped and i rolled my eyes, walking away again. 

"And how are you going to smoke it without a lighter?" The annoying dude called out after me. 

"Go away, you predator." I said. 

The dude laughed again, not taking offence to my insult. 

"Well, whatever. Since i know you're the type of kid who likes smoking because they think it's cool." He said.

I stopped in my tracks. Couldn't today get any worse? I furiously stomped over to the guy and looked at him dead in the eyes. "You don't know me so don't talk shit about me, OK? You don't know what the fuck i've been through so i suggest you shut your pretty little mouth." 

"You think my mouth is pretty?" 

I sighed dramatically, "Stay away from me, creep." 

"Not until you give me the cigarette." He said, It's not good for your health and it's illegal for you."

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