Chapter 5.

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Rose's POV

Rained poured down the entire afternoon and didn't stop as I began my journey home. When I existed the doors of the building, I noticed the familiar group of boys leaning against the brick wall joined by Rachel who was comforted in the rain by the arms of Brad.

I couldn't help but sadly smile to myself as I shielded my face with the hood of my jacket and pulled my books closer against my chest.

"Oh it's you." The voice of Rachel spat out although I frantically tried to walk away. Out of the girls that Megan had introduced me too, Rachel was the one whom was always distance and rather cold hearted towards me. "Are you ignoring me?" I stopped in my tracks to see Rachel stepping away from Brad and closer towards me.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you." I lied showing a fake smile. "I'm in a rush to get home as soon as possible, don't want to get a cold in this weather-" I lightly laughed however she gave me an unimpressed look.

"Is that your English folder?" She questioned.

"Y-yeah." I replied nervously.

"Can i see it?"

"As I said, I want to get home-" before I could finish my answer, she snatched it out of my grasp, slamming it to the ground in a pile of thick mud and due to the rain the impact of the folder against the ground made a puddle of wet mud splash up against me - some even landing on my face.

"Rachel-" I gasped in annoyance as she broke out into quiet laughter, making a joke about my now ruined clothes and my face covered in mud.

"Oppies." She said sarcastically.

"Why did you do that for?" I raised my voice slightly.

"It was an accident." She lied. "Maybe next time you should stay away from me and my friends."


"Stay away from Megan, she's my best friend." She repeated. "And stay away from Brad-"

"What is your problem with me?"

"You think you can skip right into this school and become best friends with my oldest and closest friend, then flirt with a boy Ive fancied since primary. Think again."

"Hey, what's going on?" Suddenly, Rachel crouched down, retrieving my folder.

"Rose stupidity dropped her folder." She reported to Brad who frowned as I could feel the tears streaming down my face and I attempted to gather the pieces of soggy paper. "Silly little girl."

"But-" I struggled to speak.

"It's okay." Rachel reassured me with a smirk. "It will dry." She added stupidly.

"Thank you." I replied back bitterly, restarting my journey home.

"Wait, Rose?"

"Yes?" I sniffed and rubbed the back of my hand against my eyes before twisting to face Rachel again.

"Remember what I told you."


Brad's POV

"Is she really ok?" I asked concerned, watching Rose walk off into the distance.

"Who cares? She's annoying-" Rachel spoke aloud, shrugging her shoulders and frowning. "I don't see why she has to tag along with my group, Megan seriously needs to ditch her-"

"Where's that sudden burst of nastiness come from? I questioned in utter shock.

"I broke up with Cian." She grinned, announcing the news extremely loudly.


"What about us two-"

"I need to see-" I shook my head, before jogging in the direction Rose was heading.

"Slow down there!" I shouted which caused Rose to freeze in fright.

"Are you following me?" She asked suspiciously, still clutching into her soaked pieces of paper.

"Not exactly." I said with a small smile. "You seemed upset talking to Rachel back there-"

"Well I'm fine now." She snapped, taking a few steps ahead of me. "You can go back to your mates and your girlfriend!"

"Girlfriend?" I repeated, following behind me. "Rachel isn't my girlfriend."

"She acts like it-"

"Seriously, don't you think I deserve better standards than her?" Suddenly, she burst out laughing at my comment. "I know what she can be like."

"You have no idea." She said through chattering teeth.

"She's just jealous." I added.

"Of what?" Rose instantly questioned curiously.

"You." There was a silence as a small smile appeared on Roses cheeks "Why don't I walk you home?" I offered in a quiet voice.

"It's only around the corner from here."

"That's good, less time in the rain." I admitted truthfully, nudging her arm slightly.

Soon enough, we approached the three bedroom house Rose had been telling me about. Slowly, she moved up the pathway and unlocked the front door.

"I suppose I should invite you in, you're soaked." She sighed deeply grasping hold of my wrist loosely. "My mum won't be back till late as she's going out for dinner with her boss."

"What about your dad?" I questioned, diverting my eyes around the hallway as Rose slammed the front door shut.

"He lives in London with his new family." She explained bluntly.

"Oh I'm sorry." I apologised watching Rose take off soaked jacket, leaving her stood in her soaked white shirt and plaid skirt. My eyes moved over to her and ranked them down and all the way up her body until she crossed her arms over her chest protectively.

"You shirt is a bit see through." I smirked arrogantly. "I think it got a bit wet!"

"My eyes are up here, if you didn't know already." She reminded me, I was shocked at where her sudden new confidence had come from - totally more appealing and cute than Rachel's.

"I was just enjoying the view and thought to tell you about your shirt, you might catch a cold." I said mischievously.

"I'll kick you out of the house." She threaten playfully.

"Don't get your knickers in a twist." I grinned, showing my startlingly straight white teeth.

"Get out of my way." She rolled her eyes and pushed passed me gently, rushing up the stairs. As the silence surrounded me, I couldn't help but feel a slight flutter of butterflies in my stomach and smile on my cheeks.

The house was quite modern and a decent size. The hallway lead off into three separate rooms and the walls displayed family photos. One in particular caught my eye despite it being in a small photo frame on the cabinet. The photo was of Rose when she was younger eating a large ice cream. Her face was spluttered in the strawberry sauce and cream sat on the end of her nose.

"That's one of my mums favourite photos of me." I slightly jumped in shock at the voice, placing the frame back down carefully before turning around to see Rose. "I absolutely bags it."

"Was it a nice ice cream?"

"The best I've ever tasted, they're my favourite foods." She admitted truthfully as she wandered down the hallway and stopping outside the furthers door. "Do you want a drink?"

"I would love one-"

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