Chapter 19.

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Rose's POV

I woke up and got ready for school - prepared for another week. I curled my hair down loosely and covered my flaws with a few layers of makeup. My plan was to make this day a good day and nothing could ruin it.

"Rose!" Charley hiccuped as I tied the laces of my black converse whilst siting on the lowest step on the stairs. "Can you stay and play princesses with me?"

"Sorry Charley!" I shrugged my shoulders sympathetically. Charley stayed the night at ours because apparently Liam was too busy with the manic work schedule to pick her up. However, I felt like there was more to his story than he was telling my mum.

"Why?" She questioned, tugging at my skirt gently. "I'll let you pick your dress first-"

"I would love to stay with you all day playing princesses and watching Frozen but I can't." I sighed, trying to explain the situation as clear as I could. "When I get back later and if you're still here, I will."

"And watch frozen?" She gasped suddenly, raising her hands up to her cheeks.

"And watch frozen." I repeated confirming the event.

"Will Brad come?" She then asked which caught me off guard.

"I'm not too sure."

"I want to see him again so we can finish off our game!" She said overly excitedly raising her voice.

"Maybe you will." I said with a smile as I tugged my bag over my shoulder. "I need to go now."

"Ok!" In a matter of seconds I was out of the door and taking the usual walk to school.

When i got closer to my locker I took a deep breath. As always, Megan was waiting outside of the door, leaning against the wall with the company of James, Connor, Tristan and Brad.

"Hey Rose!" She smiled cheerily.

"Hi." I smiled back, instantly preparing my mind of her flood of questions.

"Sorry about the other night." She quickly apologised quietly. "I should of ran after you but I felt like you needed space-"

"It's not your fault, I'm fine now." I reassured her as I opened up my locker catching a glance of Brad who was smiling to himself. "Did I miss much?"

"Tristan and Bailey may have hit it off!" James cheered loudly whilst Connor and Brad threw their hands in the air in celebration.

"You honestly made her birthday!" Megan added causing Tristan to blush.

"It was only a small kiss, a thankful gesture." He tried to shrug off although the boys continued to tease him.

"Next week, you two will be dating. Mark my words!" Megan announced confidently. "Now Bailey has you in her palms, she won't give up. She's liked you for so long-"

"Thanks!" He muttered meekly. "As long as we aren't like Rachel and Brad, I'm fine-"

"And what's wrong with us?" Brad questioned in annoyance. "There's not even an us!"

"God, Brad!" Megan groaned at his question. "You know the girl likes you and it's pretty clear you like her-"

"So-" he spluttered out laughing, avoiding eye contact with me.

"You two couldn't keep your hands off each other for the period of time you was actually at the party." Megan informed him.

"Where did you even go?" Connor then asked, raising his eyebrows up in suspicion.

"Rachel also disappeared so we know where they went." Tristan added, nudging Brad's arm.

"Mmh yeah!" Brad tried to laugh, whilst concentrating on the floor.

"Seriously, don't mess with her heart." Megan warmed him. "Girls don't like their hearts being messed with, do they Rose?"


Brad's POV

"Girls don't like their hearts being messed with, do they Rose?"

"No." Rose shook in head as she one slowly left her lips whilst she avoided eye contact with me.

"I won't, I promise." I sighed deeply before turning my head back to face the boys.

"I need to be somewhere." Rose announced before quickly storming off down the corridor.

"Is she alright?" I asked curiously to Megan who was oblivious to what had happened due to glued to her phone.

"She said she's fine." She said in annoyance. "I'm going as well, I'll see you later."

"Girls they confuse me." I admitted truthfully to the three boys who all exchanged confused looks before James spoke.

"And what about our bet?" She reminded me. "If you're back on with Rachel, are you and Rose off?"

"Rachel and I aren't back on-"

"Then where did you go the night of the party?" Connor asked, rolling his eyes ever so slowly.

"I went after Rose." I reported to them with a small smile. "And took her back to mine-"

"Then, you had se-"

"No!" I interrupted sharply. "She was crying and had no where to go, so I insisted on taking her back and seeing what's the matter but she's didn't tell me."

"So you took her back because you was genuinely worried about her?" Tristan said in slight confusion. "What has happened to the old Brad?"

"I'm still there same person."

"The only reason the old Brad would take a girl back to his was to fuck her."  Connor blurted out causing me to hiss at him.

"I couldn't take advantage of her!" I defended myself. "The bet isn't over either."

"You're taking your time especially if you and Rachel are getting back together."

"I'm using Rachel to make Rose jealous." I smugly announced.

"Brad, you player!" James automatically smirked, leaning against the locker. Rose doesn't particularly like Rachel."

"No she doesn't and making a girl jealously always causing her to come running to you."

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