Chapter 6.

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Brad's POV

"Mum, I'm home." I slowly shut the front door behind me and threw my bag to the floor. "Are you okay?" I questioned suddenly noticing my mum was sat in the living watching the latest episode of Eastenders.

"Fine." She muttered as she was too focused to give me a civil reply or even ask how my day was. She didn't even look at me for one second or even flash a smile.

"Is Nat or Dad home?" I asked attempting to make converstation with her, however without exchanging any words to me she shook her head before fully concentrating on TV show once again. "Fine." I muttered shrugging off the saddening thoughts of mine.

With a frown plastered across my face, I rushed up the stairs entering my bedroom. My body blooped onto the bed and I pulled out my phone, scrolling through multiple messages from the boys and surprisingly one from Rose.

From Rose,

Thank you again for walking me home, I hope you didn't get too wet :) X

I couldn't help but smile at the simple text message that include a smiley face and a kiss. It seemed pathetic but somehow the thoughtful message managed to bring my miserable mood up. Instantly, my fingers began to glide against the screen tapping away the random buttons, composing a reply.

To Rose,

Maybe we should hang out again sometime? X

In seconds, the message sent and I began hesitantly watching the screen. Half an hour went by and still no reply. Even though half an hour isn't an overly large amount of time, it didn't help my inpatient nature.

Rose's POV

I didn't know what came over me but I found the confidence to text Brad a thank you message. Although, it was only a short message I felt the need to thank him one more time to show my gratefulness for him not turning to Rachel's side. The device sat on the kitchen table as I poured myself a glass of orange juice, my eyes constantly remaining focused on the screen as questions raced through my mind.

Was he ignoring the message? Was I giving off the wrong vibes? How would Megan react to Brad and I being friends?

*beep beep*

The sound of phone startled me out of my own little world causing me to accidentally spill the carton of juice on the table. With a deep sigh, I retrieved a cloth in my hand and began tidying up the message, knowing how it would send my mum in overdrive if she caught the spillage.  Then, afterwards I reached out for my and traced my thumb across the pad unlocking it.

From Brad,

Maybe we should hang out again sometime? X

Surprisingly, a grin plastered across my face as my eyes repeatedly read the same message over and over again.

"What are you smiling stupid at?" A voice questioned. My head jerked up noticing my mum leaning against the kitchen doorway.

"I-I didn't know you was home." I stuttered shyly, turning off the screen.

"Maybe you would of, if you aren't attached to that phone of yours." She sighed deeply, rolling her eyes.

"I thought you was going out tonight?" I asked, noticing the clock had only struck six. "Some dinner and meeting with the major boss." I said, quoting the words she had told me this morning.

"I am." She answered back. "I think you may have got a little confused, I've had my meeting with my boss and now I'm getting ready to go out to dinner."

"With your boss?" I questioned curiously, furrowing my eyebrows. "Isn't he like sixty years old?"

"Not with my boss, with Liam." She laughed lightly chucking back her head as she spoke his name softly. "You don't mind, do you?"

"I don't think I really have a say." I muttered underneath my breath giving my mum a fake smile.

"We originally planned to go out this weekend for dinner but he couldn't get a baby sister for his four year old daughter."

"He has a daughter?"

"Yes." She nodded with a small smile.

"Isn't he a bit too young to have a daughter? I swear he's half your age-"

"Rose!" She snapped in annoyance at my comment. "He isn't half my age, there's only a few years gap."

"If you say so." I whispered quietly. "I could of looked after her."

"It's a bit too late now but I'll mention it to him later." She smirked slightly. "You're such a lovely child-"

"You better go and get ready, you need enough time to cover all those wrinkles." I sniggered, watching her shuffle out if the kitchen and up the creaky stairs.

"I heard that." She shouted suddenly causing me to roll my eyes then grasp onto my phone once again. Reading the message throughly and attempting to compose a reply.

To Brad,

Sounds like a good plan to me! X

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