Chapter 33.

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Rose's POV

"Ready for our little date?"

"H-hi." I choked out, my nervousness getting the best off me due to the word 'date'. "Where are you taking me?"

"It's a surprise." He whispered, grasping hold of my hand. "You're going to love it."

"Are you sure of that?" I wondered curiously as I squeezed his hand.

"It includes me, and you know love me." Brad responded with a smirk whilst I felt my cheeks burn.

"If you say so." We both chucked causing him to look down at me, taking his bottom lip into his teeth.

We continued to walk down the high street before the greenery park came into the distance, however it was different compared to the usual days. There was a huge circle tent set up, several stoods, multiple vans and towering rides.

"A fair!" I exclaimed like a young child.

"I remember you telling me how you loved winter wonderland back in London, well once a month in Birmingham the fair comes." He smirked, shoving his hands deep into the depths of his pocket pulling out two tickets. "So-"

"Brad!" I giggled, throwing my arms around his neck. He responded by wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting my slightly off the ground.

"How does a whole day at the fair sound?" He asked rhetorically as I slowly let go off him. "But there's only one condition, we don't go on any of the big rides-"

"Are you scared of rides?" I smirked as he frowned in my direction.

"A little bit."

"But the rides are my favourite part." I teased him. "Please Bradley." I pleaded pouting my lips together and flattering my eyelashes.

"Rose, we aren't-"

"I'll hold your hand." I snorted a chuckle as Brad forced a quick smile.

"Extra tight?" He asked as I nodded in reply. "Alright, only one ride and it can't have loops."

"Oh please don't tell me you don't want to mess up your hair by going on rides with loops?" I laughed, throwing back my head playfully.

"I like to take pride in my appearance." He admitted truthfully as we approached the ticket box.

"Your bed hair is quite cute." I blushed shyly as Brad looked down at me with a smirk.

"Still remember that morning perfectly." He winked cheekily before handing over our tickets to the box office which allowed us in.

"Where to first?" I questioned tugging at Brad's arm lightly.

"It's your day." Brad informed me as I lifted up my eyebrow slightly.

"So, I pick?"

"Yes!" Brad confirmed.

"I know where then." I report as fear rushed through Brad's eyes.

"Please, not the ride first-" he protested.

"Don't be scared!" I warned him as his eyes widened at the size of the ride. "You did say one ride-"

"Rose, you must be missing me." He said, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

"Please, let's go on this one ride then afterwards we can do whatever you want." I said practically begging him as he I grabbed his arm once again thing to get him to shift closer to the ride.

"Anything?" He teased as his eyes moved up and down me slowly.w "Fine!" He said, allowing us to enter our carriage with two empty seats.

"This should be fun!" I giggled as a couple seconds Alger, a man came in and locked us into place.

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