Chapter 18.

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Brad's POV

I groaned loudly into the pillow when I faintly heard a phone ring - rudely awakening me from my slumber.

Shifting my body to the side, I stared up at the celling recalling last nights events. I must of drifted asleep whilst talking to Rose. I peered over to the opposite end of the bed to see Rose sprawled across still fully dressed. Her eyes were closed in deep sleep as her chest slowly rose up and down and her hair messily rested against her cheeks - She seemed to peaceful.

Breaking the silence, my phone began to ring again causing me to let out a larger groan.

"Sleep." I heard Rose mumble into the sheets and I smiled silently, reaching for my phone to reject the incoming call from Rachel.

"Good morning!" I whistled loudly, emphasising the word 'good' whilst grinning. She blinked sleepily and raised her arms behind her head, flinching when she heard a number of clicks whilst she stretched.

"Morning." She mumbled, rubbing her eyes and focusing her mind on the day ahead.

"Good night sleep?"

"I've had better." Rose lightly chuckled as she sat up straight diverting her eyes around the room as my phone began to ring again. "Who's calling?"

"Connor." I lied turning off my phone. "I'll call him back later."

"No it's alright, answer him-"

"He can't wait!" I snapped  quickly causing Rose to tilt her head in confusion at my sudden outburst. "Sorry, lack of sleep makes me grumpy."

"Lack of sleep?" She repeated suspiciously. "I couldn't sleep due to you loud snoring!"

"I do not snore!" I defended myself.

"You do!"

"Well, all you do is sob."

"Shut up!" She said pouting her bottom lip whilst crossing her arms against her body.

"But it's alright as I made you smile." I said whilst Rose turned her back towards me.

"No you don't."

"Moody." I commented. "Come on admit it, last night I made you smile."


"Yes I did."

"No you didn't-"

"Come on Rose." I teased her, nudging her arm slightly. "Smile or I'll tickle you."

"Don't you dare Simpson." She warned me.

"Smile for me." I said as i began to tickle Rose causing her to squirm about the bed laughing.

"Bradley, Stop!" She demanded whilst laughing and kicked her legs out in attempt to escape.

"Not until you admit I make you happy and all smiley!" I teased continuing to tickle despite the screaming and kicking.

"Fine!" She breathed out deeply as my finger tips slowed down, tracing circles on her waist. "Thank you so much for making me smile last night."

"You're welcome!" I said smugly. "Sorry, I couldn't help with the period pains-"

"I'm not on my period!" Rose suddenly groaned loudly.

"So you're still not going to tell me why you was crying last night?" I questioned with slight hope she might admit what was wrong.

"You don't need to know." She replied back bluntly, her mood rapidly changing as we laid inches apart.

"Is it a thing that boys wouldn't understand?" I wondered.


"In girl language, is that yes?"

"Yes." She chuckled.

"I'm getting quite good at this." I announced proudly whilst siting up and shuffling to end of the bed. "And do you know what I'm also quite good at?"


"Making pancakes!" I cheered, smacking my lips together as I jumped off the bed. "I'm starving-"

"I'm hungry but I don't want to risk getting food poison." She admitted truthfully with a worried expression.

"I'm promise you, my pancakes will be the best pancakes you will ever taste." I said as I handed out my hand to help Rose out of bed.


Rose's POV

"Are you sure you don't want me to say hi to your mum?" Brad repeated continuously as we strolled back to mine after staying at his.

I couldn't quite imagine my mums reaction if I brought a boy back to the house and I wouldn't even dare to imagine her reaction if she found out I slept round his - even if nothing happened.

"Another day, maybe." I lightly laughed as we stopped outside my house. "Brad, about last night-"

"Look, I understand you probably don't want to tell me as I'm a boy therefore I won't understand your girly issues." He interpreted me talking some sense for once. "You'll probably going to gossip it all out to Megan over the phone and be your perky little self tomorrow-" he paused for a moment with a small smile. "And what we spoke about last night, I won't tell anyone."

"You promise?"

"I promise." He said, locking his eyes with mine. "Nobody will ever find out." He whispered letting me go.

"See you tomorrow then."


With a hopeless sigh, I unlocked the front door using the spare set of keys my mum his under the mat, allowing me to step inside. Instantly  being engulfed with the smell of her famous lasagna.

"Rose, you're home!" She smiled widely as I wandered into the kitchen. She stood in the centre of the kitchen with a spatula clutched in her hand and Charley placed on her hip.

"Hi." I replied back, slightly tried as she turned around to face.

"Good night?"

"It was alright." I shrugged as she looked at me curiously.

"Where's your overnight bag?" She suddenly questioned.

"Oh I left it at Megan's, I didn't want to carry it all the way home-"

"And those clothes you're wearing, those are hers?" I glanced down at my outfit choice which was a top of Brad's and a pair of his sisters leggings that he was allowing me to borrow.

"Yeah." I said uneasily, nodding my head.

"That's sweet of her-" she paused for a moment before biting her lower lip.

"Where's Charley here?" I asked changing the subject matter.

"Liam has an important meeting and he had nobody to look after her so I insisted-"

"You hate young children-"

"But I love Charley, don't I?" She coed twirling her hair whilst Charley giggled. "I'm making lasagne, do you want some?"

"No I'm fine." I admitted truthfully. "Megan made me pancakes this morning that tasted absolutely delicious!"

"Was it just you and Megan? I thought you mentioned another girl going to be there-

"Oh Rachel." I spat out. "She was there for a while-"

"Did you girls spend the night together then?"

"Yeah, of course!"

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