Chapter 31.

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Brad's POV

"Bradley, can you hurry up?" My mum yelled from downstairs.

"Alright." I groaned in responded, hitting my head against the pillow. Staying late into the night at Rose's house seemed like a brilliant idea, but now with a thumping headache and an hour of sleep - I regretted it.

The question, what are we? Repeated through my mind, a question that I couldn't even answer.

She liked me, but did I like her? Of course I cared about her more than any of the other girls but was that just because we are close friends? She was different from the rest.

"What the hell are you doing?" A sullen voice questioned from the doorway. I glanced over my shoulder to see Nat, standing in the doorway. Wearing her usual moody expression and closed in black skinny jeans and a shirt.

"What does it look like? Use your eyes." I snapped.

"Get up and get ready!"

"Brad we need to go!" My mums voice suddenly shouted out which caused me to let out a loud groan.

"Coming!" I lied, hinting for Nat to close the door to leave me to get ready. In a matter of couple of minutes, I rushed down the stairs to be welcomed by mum who wore an anxious expression.

"I'll have to put my foot down or you'll be late." She announced grasping hold of her car keys as I peered at my appearance in the mirror.

"Why do you even bother?" Nat sniggered watching my every move in the mirror.

"Because she's got a girlfriend." My mum whistled. "What's her name again, Ruby, Rebecxa, Ro-"

"Rose!" I corrected her with a small smile. "And I told you, she isn't my girlfriend."

"But he likes her." My mum informed Nat. "Why don't you just ask her out?"

"Mum you aren't suppose to support this behaviour." I lightly chuckled.

"She is a lovely girl." She commented, her eyes glistening. "Better than any of the other girls you bought back."

"If she has some sense then she'll stay away." Nat joined in causing my eyes to roll.

I think you should try.

The voice of mothers repeated in my mind as I wandered through the hallway with a small smile.

Maybe I did like Rose? Just a little tiny bit.

"Bradley!" An overly high pitched voice called my name.

"Rachel-" I groaned, slamming my back against the locker in annoyance.

"We haven't spoke in a while." She said pouting her lips together, stepping closer towards me.

"That's because we broke up." I reminded her firmly.


"And because I don't want anything to do with you." I smiled smugly.

"You can't say that, I'm your girlfriend."

"Ex.", I added.

"What's going on here?" Megan's voice then interrupted as she shuffled across hallway.

"Rachel was just going."

"Was it?"

"Yes." I coughed. "Where you heading Megan? Normally you wait beside Rose's locker-"

"Oh, she said she needs to talk to me in the girls toilets."


"I don't know Brad, I'm not a mind reader." She sighed deeply. "Something about yesterday."


Rose's POV

"Right, what have you got to talk about?" Megan whispered as the bell rung causing us to be left alone.

"It's about Brad." I mouthed. "We may have kissed-"

"You've got a lot of explaining to do." She said before she dragged me into the girls toilets. She slammed the door shut before turning back to me.

"We may have kissed." I said walking back so the sinks were digging painfully into my back.

"How do this happen?" Megan questioned.

"It's been like a chain of events since the physical education lesson." I sighed, shutting my eyes tightly together. "We got stuck in the cha in room together, got sent to Mr Humbert's-"


"We got locked inside."

"And what else?"

"We spent the whole day yesterday together, and I invited him round mine then we-"

"Oh god please say he forced himself on you." Megan shrieked. I shot her a glare and folded my arms across my chest.

"He isn't like that anymore!" I confirmed. 

"He's a player still!" She protested. "Are you blind? He hasn't slept with a girl ever since you got here, obviously you're next. I told you!"

"But Megan-"

"What now?" She moaned.

"I like him." I admitted. "I tried so desperately to stop myself falling for him but I can't help my feelings."

"I understand." She suddenly whispered, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I was the same with James, but Brad is a lot different-"

"He really has changed."

"He's said that to you right?" She questioned as I nodded my head.

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