Chapter 26.

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Brad's POV

"Have any of you seen Rose today?" Megan questioned curiously as we sat around a circle table in the canteen. In unsigned, everyone shook their heads.

"I tried texting her but she completely ignored me." Lucy said with a sad smile as she rested herself against Connor.

"Maybe she's jealous as she's the only single on in this group." Rachel sniggered, bringing her eyes to us, chewing at her salad. "She's probably never got laid before-"

"Rachel, we don't know that!" Megan hissed slightly annoyed.

"I'm sure she's fine." James said trying to reassure Megan who sat there with a blank expression, fiddling with her fingers. "She could be at home ill-"

"She would of told me though, we wait for each other every morning!" She reminded us our, panic filling her eyes. "Brad, have you spoken to her?"

"Why would I?" I questioned bluntly which seemed to cause Rachel to grow closer to me.

"You two are pretty close friends." Megan said, however I shook my head. "Do you think I should text her?"

"Yeah, send her a message saying 'bitch why are you so jealous about not getting laid'." Rachel suggested, straight-forwardly.

"For fuck sake Rachel, can't you be considerate for at least ten minutes!" I rolled my eyes. She sucked in a sharp breath and turned to me, the corner of her lip tightening into an obvious fake smile.

"I'm sorry babe." She lied, pressing her plum lips against my cheek forcefully.

"How about going round her house after school?" Tristan interpreted, eyeing me sternly. "Both Brad and Megan know where she lives. Then you could talk to her straight, find out what the problem is-"

"I suppose we could." Megan said, shrugging her shoulders as I continued to eat my chips. "Brad, will you come with me please?"

"He can't ." Rachel responded. I rolled my she's, more in annoyance than a thing as I opened my mouth to reply.

"I can."

"You said you was taking me out tonight." Rachel huffed in annoyance.


"It's ok, we can see Rose tomorrow." Megan sighed deeply as her eyes diverted down to the table.


Rose's POV

The end of the school day had arrived and I had successfully made the way without seeing Brad or the others. I mentally cheered, wearing a small smile as I existed the school building.

"Hey midget!" A deep voice shouted as I squirmed passed the crowds to following the pavement home. I looked over my left shoulder to see Stewart, siting in his car.

"Long time no see!" I giggled as he smirked in my direction.

"I'll give you a lift if you want." He offered, however I shook my head in response.

"My house isn't far-"

"Rose, it's pouring down with rain. You'll shrink!" He teased as he beckoned for me to climb inside.

"Thanks." I sighed in relief as I belted myself up and relaxed against the leather comfort.

"Where's the rest of your gang?" He began, inserting the keys into the ignition. "I saw them all in canteen without you earlier-"

"I haven't spoken to them today, I kinda left on bad terms with one of them." I said, shaking my head and rolled my eyes. "And anyway, I prefer to be by myself."

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