Chapter 17.

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Rose's POV

I didn't think I could ever run so fast in my entire life.

"Rose!" The screams of Megan echoed down the street but it didn't stop my feet from running. I needed to go home.

My heart was racing just as fast as I was running, it felt like it had sunk causing my breathing to be uneven.

"Stop running." A deep voice whispered as a hand clutched onto my shoulder. The panic spread through my whole body.

"Get off me." I sobbed wearily and defenceless as I turned around to face the mysterious person.

"Rose." The moonlight shined to reveal Brad in the light, his eyes twinkling like the stars - he was the last person I wanted to see.

"Brad." I whispered his name, forcefully wiping away the tears from my cheeks.

"Are you crying?" He questioned concerned. "Come on, let's hug it out." He pushes my face into his chest and shook from both the cold and my nerves. Tears fell silently from my eyes as I slightly enjoyed his comfort, however all I could picture in my mind was his lips on Rachel's.

"You look different tonight." Brad observed me with his deep chocolate brown eyes.

"I did put a bit more effort into my appearance than when I wear my pyjamas." I shrugged, sniffing my nose.

"I always prefer a girls natural beaut." Brad admitted, frowning which made a wrinkle appear in-between his eyebrows. 

"So, you and Rachel seemed very close tonight." I stated, emphasising the word 'very'.

"She labelled me as boring so I had to prove her that I'm still the old Brad, only a few inches taller." Brad grinned, revealing his straight white teeth.

"Her opinion to you matters then." I said in utter confusion.

"Not as much as yours does." I felt his gaze burn into my face, so I titled my head down, my cheeks flushing red. I felt fingers slide gently beneath my chin, forcing it up so that I would have no other choice but to look at Brad. He stared down at me with a smirk across his faces and a flicker  of triumph flashed through his eyes.

"Shit." I suddenly cursed. "My mum thinks I'm staying over at Megan, she's going to kill me if I go home in this state."

"It's fine, you can come to mine." Brad suggested with an angelically smile.

"Urm, I'm not too sure-"

"Rose, seriously I'm not going to pounce on you." He blurted out.

"Brad, I wasn't suggesting that-" Brad looked away from me as if it pained him to say that. "I'm sorry." I sobbed as the tears started to fall again.

"Rose, no it's my fault." I could tell that my crying was making him uncomfortable. I peered at him for under my wet eyelashes and smiled shyly.

"If you're that worried about your mums reaction, come to mine." Brad suggested once again. "My parents and sister have gone away for the weekend, so I'll enjoy the company." He paused and took a large breath. "That's what friends do for each other."

"Yeah." I smiled brightly. The walk to Brad's house seemed like forever and I was relieved when we stopped our footsteps and stood outside a rather large building which was isolated from an entire street, down a gravel driveway.

"Wait, you live here?" I gasped as Brad smirked with proudness. He lead me down the path and unlocked the front door, letting me step in first.

"My rooms the top floor." He informed me, slighting nudging past so he could walk up the spiral staircase first.

Brad's room was surprisingly tidy. The bed had been freshly made and there was no clothes or technology devices cluttering the carpet. The white walls were bare with no posters or photographs apart from a guitar that seemed to be signed. I sat on his double bed, the mattress dipping from my weight. I could feel his eyes on me as I wiped away a tear was that stained my cheek.

"I'm fine." I announced weakly.


Brad's POV

"Do you want to talk about why you rushed off and started crying?" I questioned bluntly, not having a clue how to handle this situation.

"Not really." Rose hummed, effectively bringing e short conversation to a stop. I tapped my knuckles together to try and ignore he awkward silence that had settled between us.

"You aren't fine though." I sighed deeply cutting the silence with my voice as I wandered aimlessly around the room.

"I'm fine!" She repeated in annoyance.

"Of course you're fine. You're crying and shaking uncontrollably because you feel like it." I snapped sarcastically. "God, you girls are such hard work."

"Probably because you only get a girl in bed, you never explore their actual feelings." She frowned making a move to walk out of the door, however my hand grabbed her forearm and pulled her back to the bed.

"That might be true in the past but-" I paused watching Rose begin to cry into her hands again. "Is it something I've done to upset you?"

"No." She sobbed. "It's just everything."

"Everything?" I repeated. "Are you on your period?" I asked curiously, assuming that may be the reason why she was moody.

"Fuck you Brad." She hissed.

"Already have." I lightly joked, although it didn't seem to amuse Rose. "Maybe you need some sleep."

"I can't sleep here, can I?" She sniffled looking up from her hands.

"You can, I'll sleep downstairs if you trust me."

"I do, I-" she paused. "The company would do be good."

"Oh now you want to talk to me." I playfully teased as her frown slowly turned into a smile.

"I spend majority of my time alone, so it's nice to actually have someone to speak to." She admitted truthfully, I studied her face for a moment before I gave a small smile.

"I know, let's play a game." I announced as I clambered onto the bed to sit opposite Rose with my legs crossed.

"How old are you?" She chuckled turning towards me and copying my movement of crossing her legs.

"Not a childishly game." I promised. "You ask a question, I answer then I ask you a question and you answer."

"Is this a way of you becoming more nosey? And then you can report back to the boys-"

"No!" I gasped, pouting my lips together.

"I know you told James about staying round at mine." She said, raising her eyebrow slightly. "If we play this game then you have to promise to not let any of this information I share to you out of these walls."

"Vice versa." I added as Rose extended her hand out towards mine, locking our pinky fingers together.

"You go first asking the questions."

"Alight then." I smirked, thinking of several questions in my mind. "Are you a virgin?" I blurted out causing Rose to splutter with laughter.

"Going straight in with that question, I knew it." She couldn't help but giggle as her cheeks grew red.

"Starting off strong." I admitted. "Are you?"

"Yes." She whispered shyly, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"So innocent." I commented, Rose frowned in response.

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