Chapter 40.

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Brad's POV

To Rose,

Can't wait to see you later (: xx

She had seen the message but simply ignored it. I frowned at the screen slightly confusion, that definitely wasn't like Rose. Shrugging my shoulders, I threw my phone onto my bed before peering at myself in the mirror. The classic white t-shirt clung to my chest allowing me breath, just about tucked in a pair of washed out black skinny jeans.

Too much for a dinner date?

Just as I went to thrown on my leather jacket, my phone bleeped and a rush of relief sent through me to see that Rose had replied. But, it wasn't Rose -
It was James.

From James,

You need to get to mine QUICK, don't piss around waiting for Rachel !!

Confused and worried, I rushed out of my phone grasping hold of the keys to the car that I recently passed my exam in and made my way to James's sharpish.

As I strolled up the gravel pathway which lead to his house, the front door was slung open and if I squinted my eyes I could make out three figures inside.

"YOU KNEW ABOUT IT ALL ALONG?" a voice cried in anger. "I BET IT WAS YOUR IDEA."

"It was a mutual decision, don't blame me for this." James responded, I slowly crept inside  following the voices into the open planned kitchen where James, Megan and Rose stood.


"Don't fucking hi me!" Megan spat out as her eyes furrowed at me.

"Wow, got your knickers in a twist?" I lightly laughed as I smiled at Rose who completely ignored me.

"You're pathetic!" Rachel then said.

"Seriously James, untwist them for her." I continued to laugh until I felt Rose's arm barge against mine running out of the room.

"At least he doesn't need to be encouraged by £20 too." She said bitterly.


"She knows." James signed, resting his head in his hands. "They both know."

"And what he means by both, he means Rose and I." Rachel said narrowing her eyes at me. "What were you even thinking? How could you-"

"How did you find out?" I interpreted.

"Rachel told them." James informed me. "Apparently, she has a voice recording of us four from the other day."

"What a bitch." I muttered in an attempted to get myself out of further trouble by changing the subject.

"So there is no way you can lie and squirm your way out of this mess." Megan warned me firmly.

"Do you think I should go and speak to Rose?" I questioned quietly. "I think I needs to apologise to her-"

"You seriously think you can apologise and make everything better?" Megan asked bitterly.

"I don't know." I muffled looking over at James for support but he said nothing. 

"You broke her heart, I hope that makes you happy." She gave a sarcastic smile.  "You don't deserve her, you don't even deserve Rachel. You deserve the lowest of the lowest."

"Megan!" James hushed grasping hold of her shoulders as she tried to step towards me.

"Have you played this vile bet?" She quickly snapped her head around to James.

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