Lets Get something Straight! School

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First off, we all know how hard it is being teens. I could go on a whole rant on everything we put up with but lets be honest, that is too many! But first off, everyone knows that one pet peeve that annoys them. Here are some of mine, so lets see if you can relate!

First off, we all that one person in the grade we cant stand! no matter what they do like speak, or laugh, or whatever! You can just look at the person and just get annoyed! Is it just me? And ya there isn't just one, but like a whole pack of people that annoy you! It feels like that is what they strive for in life. But what is even more annoying is when they cant get a hint that they are annoying! And no matter how many hints and given answers you give, THEY DONT SEE IT!!!! Ugh this annoys the crap out of me! I know there is someone in your life like that! Literally it feels like I am writing on my face "You annoy me stay away!" But it seems like all they see is " Hey lets talk!"

Second off, lets just say walking through the middle school hallway sucks! They literally stand in the middle of the hallway just TALKING! Oh and they think getting to the next class is a race. So they run constantly to everything. Guys! If you say you hate school, then why are you running to go learn?! Just the other day I as walking in the hallway and I thought, ' Man this has been a great Monday for once.' Then I made the grave mistake of the middle school hallway. I passed the bathrooms at the very end of the hallway (literally right there at the door to leave that hallway) When Smack! This kid just runs out of the bathroom plowing me over. Now this wasn't you average middle school student. This was a buff football player for the team just PLOWED through me. There is a system of the hallways and you sir ruined it! Welcome to Mondays.

Third off, when you think you have your life together... Here Comes High School to ruin it! If you are in the same boat, you feel me! So at our school the teachers don't believe in Scheduling efficiently. So what I mean is that my teachers like to pile as many test as they can on THE SAME DAY. My friends get me reading this. I mean come on! You have phones, Email, and freakin' legs! Use the texting if you cant find them, use E-mail if you cant figure out texting, or if you are at the school, there is this amazing thing called WALKING and CLASSROOMS. Did you know in the twenty first century we have these rooms for teachers where they STAY! I mean come on! You see them at lunch, the hallway, anywhere! You work together for heaven's sake! Don't get me wrong, I love my teachers and appreciate them for teaching me but please! We beg of you!

Ok, I have one last rant for the week. One word... HOMEWORK. Now who here wants coloring sheets and dot to dots back? Nap and snack time were the best. Who was the idiot that thought, "Hey these kids have three times the work and pull all-nighters. So lets take away the naps and snacks! Hey and while we are at it, lets take the fun out of it too!" I mean come on! That's worse than the middle school hallways! Does anyone else add the hours of homework they have? I mean I have so much homework right now, and I'm ranting about it! Its like the teachers think my class is the only important one so  will give five pages of homework just to show them how important it is! I know you can feel me on that one! We need to band together to get naptime back! Naps Instead of Class! We can do this!

Ok so yeah! This is my personal rant book. If you don't like it then don't read it. (There will be a rant on that) Want a rant to be featured? Comment it and I will get onto that! I really do love my school and the people in it, but like everything, everyone has an opinion. Here are mine!

Above all else... Stay awesome

Keep ranting,


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