I Hate Glass Screens!

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Ok let me set up the setting.

I'm at school and the last bell of the day just rang. We are on spring break! and me and my friends are going to celebrate my birthday at Fast Lanes. So my day was going great with light homework for the break. So I had one more task in front of me... the middle school hallway. Yes I could have taken a different route, but I had to get to the bus and that was the fastest way! So I am walking through that horrid place. I get shoved had a few times into the wall from other students trying to get around the kids TALKING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HALLWAY! I finally get to the bus and I'm like," Yeah, this has been a great day." So I get off the bus and go home. I had half an hour before I had to leave again so I decided to pull out my laptop to watch YouTube. And to my horror, the laptop was cracked. Now I wouldn't care if it was on the side of the screen or even the bottom. No it had to be smack in the middle, and cracked all over the screen! Now this was an almost 200 dollar 2 in one laptop tablet. I was ticked. If you put all these features on these stupid electronics, WHY NOT A BREAK PROOF SCREEN?!

I mean come on! Your company makes tons of money! You can come up with a type of shatter proof glass! This laptop has a touch screen and now that is cracked all over the screen, it wont work. I have no clue how I am writing this cuz I cant see very well. Ugh, oh well.

Yeah this was a stupid rant, but I'm sure that you are reading this on a cracked screen too! Anyway, those who are wondering where "Where Dem Pants At?!" I AM SO SORRY!!!! I'm working on that! But my laptop has to get fixed cuz I cant stand it anymore. But I will try to get it up for tomorrow!

~Katie <3

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