Cracked Screens!

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I have mentioned this before that cracked screens really annoy me, but I feel I need to go into more detail. They REALLY ANNOY ME! Picture this, you want to watch a video on how to talk to your dog or something and BOOM a crack in the screen distorts the video and it could be a key to how to communicate to your dog. You could unlock the secrets of dogs and the only thing holding you back is that stinkin' crack! But what can annoy me more is when I wasn't the one that cracked it. Yeah that's right I didn't crack my scree. Don't you just love school?

Ok, here is the scene. It is the end of the day, the day before spring break. My school got off a day early so we were all super stoked. So I don't really know how it happened. I think this kid wasn't watching where he was going or what totally oblivious of my stuff. but anyway, he kicked the screen of the laptop. It was sitting awkwardly in my backpack sticking out and he just kicks it like its no ones business! Oh it makes me so PO as crap. We were celebrating my birthday. So before we went I was going to  watch YouTube but then to my horror a huge crack was spider webbed along my screen. I was like, "Holy Crap!" My mom heard and said to watch my mouth. So some of you out there might be saying replace the screen! Yeah but to get the screen and it replaced, the cost would add up to a new laptop.

Well there's my rant of the day! Have some ideas? Post them in the comments!

signing off,

~Katie <3

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