The Fan Girl Effect

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So if you have ever felt this before you know what it means! If you are a true part of a fandom, this effect may happen often. Either from a video or a fanfic it can cause a sudden burst of fan girl. For those who have never felt it, you poor souls. Literally it is the best feeling on the world!!! You get so happy, amazed, and overall stuck in fan girl mode. What is fan girl mode you ask? Well I will use one of my good friends as an example. She sometimes gets stuck in this mode, in the middle of class. It is so funny to watch as she giggles uncontrollably and her face turns red. Then she gets everyone around her in a giggle fit and we cant start class until we get ourselves under control. Its funny how it works too. One simple word can set a fan girl off. For her it is Zach Porter.

I love to see how my friends interact with their fandoms. But every once in a while, our fandoms might not get along. I myself am not involved with all the fandoms my friends are, and they aren't always involved in mine. That's where the conflict may start. it can be in person or over text. Either way, these fights can get intense. But what annoys me the most is hen your fandom gets made fun of or shot down. I mean come on!!! You have never seen anything from the fandom!!! Oh this annoys me. It also annoys me whenever online they set up polls with my fandom compared to other hatted fandoms to see which is the worse. Which brings me to the other side of a fan girl. No not sadness or anger, but rage.

Yeah, never get in the way whenever a fan girl is having a rage fit. Me personally can tell you that you don't remember anything while you are having it. Its like your anger goes into full throttle and gets stuck until the rage runs out. Its funny because even one sentence can send us fan girls into a rage fit. Then you become really depressed afterwards like why are people so mean. You become so defensive and don't realize what just happened. Sometimes when I go into rage mode, I regret all the things I say online and m sure I'm not the only one. But you pick yourself up and keep stalking the fandom.

I love all my fandoms and I don't always get along. But the awesome thing about being in a fandom, is that you are surrounded by all the people that love the same thing! Honestly I love the role plays and the deep discussions. I absolutely love how much time and effort get put into fandoms! I love being around these types of people. And when something big happens n it, everyone has like a fan girl fest! That is my favorite thing about fandoms is that we are all mentally insane in our own ways. I love fandoms and I hope they never end! The Fan Girl Effect just shows another awesome part of you.

~Katie <3

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