Putting the Pro in Procrastinating

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We all can relate to this one. Especially those who are in high school I can feel you on this one. The simple replacement word for lazy. Procrastinating has become a huge part of my school life. It is so easy to say I will do it later, then when later comes your like "Crap." That was me last night at eleven. YouTube! Yeah but turns out that test wasn't today so I call that lucking out. Yes we all can admit that we have procrastinated before. Either once in your life, or everyday like me. But hey! You can say that you are a pro at it(not like its going to help you in life). I'm just saying that's one more thing that I am good at, though it may not be the best. But I mean come on! If the teachers are going to assign something a week prior the due date, WE ARE GOING TO PROCRASTINATE IT TILL THE LAST MINUTE!! And it never gets better. You promise yourself that you will be productive and get better. And what are you doing two hours later, trying to learn how to talk dolfinies, on YouTube. To be honest, I am sitting here writing this rather than studying for a test I have in two periods. But hey, gotta give what the crowd wants. I sat contemplating in bed this morning if it was worth it to get up and go pee, and you guessed it I didn't Until my alarm went off. I feel that at my school, people hold bets to see how long they can procrastinate. Like in my Spanish class, we have packets we have to do and turn it in before the test. And when you go to the library the day prior, yep you guessed it. The whole grade is sitting around crowding the printer for their nine page packet. My grade, geeze. But hey procrastinating is a blessing or a curse when you think of it. But we all do it, I even do it here.

Well that's all folks! 


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