Arkansas Weather

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So this one's for my peeps down south here in Arkansas. Let me just say something ok? ARKANSAS NEEDS TO MAKE UP ITS MIND ABOUT THE WEATHER!! Ok so here in Arkansas we have some pretty weird weather, well more like out of control. We can have every season in one week for crying out loud! Like take a few years back, it had been warm and sunny all week in May then boom! Snow in May came no joke! You can never prepare for the weather here. The weather man says it will be warm so make sure you have a jacket ready with snow boots because the weather will change at the drop of a hat. Its funny because if the rest of America is having weird weather they would freak out but if Arkansas was having normal weather, we would be freaking out! We are so adapted to this crazy weather down here. Heck we still have winter jackets out with our spring ones! I will never understand this state's weather. not to mention the wild allergies it causes. I guess that's why every store has a surplus of tissues! But no joke, this weather is crazy! Right now it s nice weather so I am going to go prepare for a winter storm or tornado! Have a great Sunday ya'll!

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