A Lost Cause (Oliver Sykes Fan Fiction)

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Chapter 1. Enough Is Enough

"Amanda get your fat ass down here!" My horrid step mother  yelled.

I sighed. I knew what was coming. You see, she blames me for everything. Even if I didn't cause it, it's all me. I made my way down the stairs to find her glaring at me. Like always.

"Yes?" I asked annoyed.

"Don't talk to me like that, cow. Why haven't you washed the dishes?" She spat at me.

"It's not my turn.." I said softly, still annoyed. I rolled my eyes.

And then the next thing I expected, a fist that collided with my cheek. The usual. She always hits me, yet my dad doesn't care. I hate living here, I just want to leave.

"I swear, smart off to me one more time, and it'll be the end of you."

I pulled myself off the ground, turned around and walked off. I'm so sick of this. I was half way up the stairs when I felt myself being dragged back down by my hair. I yelped in pain. 

"I'm not finished with you, bitch!"

She punched me again, this time in the mouth. I could taste the blood that was now spilling out of my lip. I reached up to wipe it off, but she grabbed my wrist. I cringed in pain.

"What's this? More cuts on your arm? It just makes you look more ugly than before." She laughed and dropped my wrist.

I glared at her, she's the whole fucking cause of this, next to the bullying that happened at school. Ever since I was sent to live here, my whole life has been hell. 

"Shut up, cunt." I spat, then spit blood at her.

She grabbed me by the throat and squeezed really hard, I could feel my face turning purple. I kept coughing, trying to breathe. I didn't fight back, there's no use. She threw me to the ground and laughed at me, going to sit back down. I got up and ran to my room. I slammed my door behind me and sunk to the ground crying. This is what happens everyday. No one knows about it, so of course no one cares. No one would care even if I did tell them. I feel so alone..

I crawled over to my beside table and opened one of the drawers. I dug through it till I found it: the little black box that held my razor blades. I leaned against the wall and removed one of the blades. I set the box down and held the blade to my wrist, and then dug it across my skin. I did this a couple more times, and then placed the blade back in the box.

Sighing, I went over to the bathroom and washed the blood off my wrist and looked at myself in the mirror. Ugh, she was right. I am a cow. I shook my head, crossing back over to my room, and that's when an idea hit me. I am going to run away.

I ran and grabbed my duffle bag from under my bed, unzipping it, I threw the very few clothes I had in, my make-up, my phone, and quietly ran to the bathroom to get my straightener and threw that in there too. Lastly, and how could I forget, I took that little black box and put it in my bag too. I'll have to wait till everyone is asleep until I can sneak out.

*2 hours later*

I slung my duffle bag over my shoulder and walked towards my door, before I stepped out, I turned around to get a last look. I won't miss this room at all, it holds too many bad memories. I quietly shut my door, tip toed down the stairs and to the back door. I walked out into the warm night. Thank god it was still summer. I shut the back door quietly and made my way around to the drive way. 

I was starting to have second thoughts about this. It probably wasn't a good idea to do this, but I have no other choice. I don't want to live this way anymore, I have to leave. I saw a light flicker on, and I ran behind a large oak tree to avoid getting caught. The light was coming from my room..?

"Goodnight Ama- She's gone!" My dad shouted.

"Who's gone..?" Sarah asked.

"A-Amanda..she's gone." His voice cracked on that last word.

Why was he choosing now to care? Why not when he knew she was beating me? When she was calling me names? Now all of the sudden he cares, just because I'm gone.  Whatever, I'm done with this "family." 

The light turned off, and I took off running down the side walk. I couldn't have them see me, I didn't want them finding me. 

I ran until I was at the end of my block. My house was in clear view from here, I turned around to get a last look at my old home. I will probably never see it again.. and I'm okay with that. I smiled as I turned around. Then I started walking, going god knows where.

Hello! This is my first fan fiction, so I'm sorry if it's not really good right now. Trust me it's going to get a lot better! Oliver won't be in it for the next 2 or 3 chapters, but he'll be here soon. :) Enjoy! Vote/Comment whatever you want! xoxo

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