Chapter 11: Sweet Bliss

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I opened my eyes slowly. I was being dragged off somewhere. What the fuck? What's happening? All I remember is running from the movie theater crying cause Oliver once again embarrassed the hell out of me and then boom, I blacked out. 

I looked around and saw a mans hand that tightly held my shirt. What the f-- he threw me in the middle of the alley. I looked up at the man, he seemed to be drunk off his ass.

"W-who are y-you?" I stuttered, terrified.

The man looked down at me and an evil grin spread across his face. "I'm your worst nightmare." he slurred. 

I tried screaming, but this weird choking noise was the only thing to escape my mouth, I couldn't say anything, I was too afraid. I knew what was going to happen next. He was going to rape me, beat me, and then leave me to die.

I broke out in to sobs, pleading. "P-p-please d-don't!" I tried saying.

He bent down and looked at my face, that terrifying grin never leaving his features. He put a finger to my lips and shushed me. I bit his finger really hard causing him to yelp back in pain. 

"You fucking bitch!" He yelled. He reached down and slapped me across the face.

So this is it, this is how I'm going to die. I should of done it sooner.. a simple blade to my throat and I'd be gone, free.

The man began taking my shirt off and I squirmed around, trying my best to fight him off. It was no use, I haven't eaten in a week, so I was 10x weaker.. and he could see that in my eyes. He ripped the leg of my pants and I let out a yelp. Maybe if I scream, someone will hear and come help me.. then again maybe not. He tore my sweater, and I tried screaming, but it was silent. I still couldn't speak.

I gave up on trying to scream, sighing in defeat. 'I'm sorry.' I thought, 'I'm sorry for being alive and being a bother to everyone I meet. I deserve death, a painful one.' Maybe this man was from my own personal depths of hell to finish me off for good. Death never looked so good in my eyes.

I laid still, not fighting anymore. The smile on his face growing wider, he towered over me, ripping my shirt in half. I flinched. At the same time, I heard the faint sound of laughter. It wasn't one voice though, it was like 4 or 5?

"Where do you think she went, mate?" one of the boys said.

"I dunno, probably at home crying her eyes out." I heard a familiar snicker. Oliver

My voice somehow found it's way back to me, and I let out a scream, "HELP! OLIVER! HELP ME!" I screamed.

I heard the foot steps stop, they murmered to eachother. I started screaming again. Then the footsteps started running towards the alley. The man punched me in the face.

"Sshhut up sslut.." he slurred, clearly pissed off.

I screamed my heart out, taking more punches to the face, until 5 pairs of feet reached me. I felt the man grab my head and slam it against the concrete.

"You fucking bitch, you just couldn't sshut up.." 

"Oh my god! Amanda!" I heard Matt's voice. 

Suddenly a big weight had been lifted off me, my eyes were growing heavy. I could smell the blood, I could feel it soaking my face. I blinked trying to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to die. I wanted to be alive, I wanted to make things better for my life. 

I felt someone pick me up. I looked at who it was and saw a familiar boy with brown shaggy hair, brown eyes filled with worry, not anger and annoyance this time, and that cute lip piercing.

"You're okay now, it's going to be okay." he reassured me with a shakey voice.

 I nodded very slightly, my eyes finally closing. No please.. I felt myself grow limp as he held me. This isn't what I wanted, but I guess I didn't have to suffer anymore. Finally, sweet bliss. 

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