Chapter 18: Invited

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*knock knock*

I groaned, it's so early in the morning.. who is knocking on my door.

"Come in." I said in groggy voice.

Tom opened the door, "Hey, do you know where Oliv--" he looked at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I raised an eye brow. I looked over and saw Oliver laying next to me, sleeping. I jumped in surprise and hit my elbow. Oliver jerked up.

"W-whats happened?" He shouted.

Tom and I tried keeping our faces straight, but we couldn't hold it back any longer. The look on his face.. We burst out laughing.

Oliver glared at us both, "What's so funny?" he crossed his arms over his chest and pouted.

"Well I was looking for you to tell you mum, dad, and I are going to visit grandma for about 3 weeks, so it'll just be you and Amanda in the house together..looks like you've finally taken a liking to her." He winked at us. My cheeks turned bright red.

Oliver chuckled, "And what if I have?" he grinned. That definitely took both Tom and I by surprise. Did he really mean that? Or was he just joking? 

"Use a condom, Oliver." Tom teased before walking back out and shutting the door.

I shook my head, laughing. Oliver turned to look at me and I stopped laughing almost immediately. I thought he might yell at me now that Tom is out of the room.

"We didn' anything last night did we?" Oliver coughed uncomfortably.

"No no. Well, at least not you and me." 

"Oh okay, good." He smiled. 

That kind of annoyed me. Was I not good enough for something like that? What am I even saying, I don't like Oliver. He treats me like shit, and obviously, I'm not that pretty either. Oliver laid back down and pulled me down with him. He put his forehead against mine.

"Thank you for staying up with me last night." He whispered.

"You're welcome. I hate to see anyone sad." I smiled.

He stared at me for a moment and he slowly started leaning down, he cupped my face in his hand, our lips inches apart...then my phone vibrates causing us both to jump. I reached over and picked up my phone.

"From: Emily :)

Hey! Are you going to Nicholls party?"

"To: Emily :)

What party?"

"From: Emily :)

He's having a party at his house tomorrow night at 8, go with me!"

"To: Emily :) 

Oh um, okay! Can we meet up and go shopping?"

She replied with a yes, and I left it at that. I've never been to a party in my life.. This is going to be really interesting. What do I even wear to a party? Ugh, Emily's going to have to help me a bunch. I bet Oliver's going.. he probably wouldn't want to be around me. I bet a lot of girls swoon over him, so he'll have his hands full with sluts. 

"Hey Oli, did you hear about Nicholls party tomorrow night?" I asked, scrolling through my Twitter feed.

"Yeah, he was telling me about it a couple of days ago. Said it's going to be the best one yet." He grinned. "Why?"

"Uh, Emily invited me to go.." I said hesitantly. 

"Aw, that's cool. Just be careful, there's a lot of drunk, pervy guys that'll hit on you." He chuckled.

"Oh joy. I'm sure there will be enough slutty girls in tight dresses there for them. No one ever wants anything to do with me, so." I sighed.

It's true though, like, no guys have ever even gave me a second glance. I'm too plain, there's nothing unique about me. Emily's going to have to help me big time with this. I climbed over Oliver and walked out into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I need to something different with my appearance.. new hair color? Maybe. I called Emily and she picked up after the second ring.

"Hey Amanda!" 

"Hi Emily, um, I need your help with some things for the party." I said nervously.

"Okay! What's up?" 

"Um..can you..make me look prettier?" I sighed.

"You're already beautiful though." 

"I don't think I am. I need to do something different with my hair, maybe dye it? Could you help me with that?" 

"Hell yeah I can! We can go later on today and go shopping!" She said excitedly.

I smiled, this is what I needed. A day with my best friend. "I'll see you soon then, bye." 

Lets hope that for once in my life I can look acceptable for something.

A certain someone ahem, EMILY, was rushing me to do a chapter. I'm having a bit of writers block, so I added the party in there so I'll have something to feed off of! Expect a few updates tomorrow for sure. :)

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