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Louis opened the door and his mother stood there with a sad smile on her face and he immediately hugged her. "Shh, it's all right, dear. I'm here," Johannah whispered. Louis only hugged tighter, he needed someone to comfort him, to be there for him.

They stood there in that position for a few minutes, then she pulled away, "I've talked to Liam." Louis stared at her, "Huh? How? Did he call you?" Johannah shook her head, "He was actually out here when I arrived minutes ago. I would've knocked on the door earlier, but I saw him in his car, looking sad. I went up to him to talk and well, he explained some things. I just want to hear your side of it. To connect some points." Louis gulped, then nodded as he gestured her to come in. They both sat down on the couch and it was silent.

"What happened between you and Liam?"

"Um, I mean we started this whole fake relationship thing to make me seem not so lonely towards you, and it was just- I don't know. Ever since it happened, I grew feelings towards him and many things happened. I saw him with this girl and it really did hurt me, so here I am."

"Well, that's a simple explanation. Did you talk to him?"

Louis nodded, then shook his head. "We did talk, but it was short," Louis explained as he looked at the floor. "In Liam's point of view, he was trying to talk to you, but you didn't let him and got angry, which I understand. Don't you think you both should talk? I think you both should have a mature conversation and talk it out. You can't continue acting like this, Louis. You have to choose between talk it out and hopefully move on, or never talk and stay miserable. You want to figure it out, too. I know you. You can think about it, and choose when to talk, it's fine. Don't stay like that, though. You are a strong person, Lou."

Louis continued to look at the floor, staying quiet. She was right, he should talk to him. He knows Liam would never hurt him on purpose. He knows Liam can be confused and clueless at some times. He just feels like complete shit, and he just lets himself feel like it.

"I think I will talk to him, just not now," Louis finally said. She smiled and patted his back, "It's always your choice."

They talked about other things after and Louis felt better to have a mother like her.


Louis walked in his room to finally sleep for the rest of the day and noticed the mess. Louis has to admit, he's a messy person. He groaned and started picking up his dirty shirts and empty water bottles until he came across the gift box. He stared at it, curious to see what's inside. Louis looked around, acting like it someone else's box and placed the items in his arms down on the floor to pick up the box. "Tommo," Louis read, and sighed. He will talk to Liam.

Louis ripped off the paper and opened the box, and he wanted to throw it back on the floor. Inside the box, there was a couple of photographs of them from the past years with small notes and dates written on the back. Under the pictures, there was a worn out hoodie Louis always wanted and would wear it when he visits Liam's place. Louis sat on his bed and looked at everything in the box. He held the photographs as if they were fragile, reading the message behind each photograph.

2010 - This was the year I met you! Niall took this picture when you were trying to put frosting on my face at your birthday party. You were wild!! This was when it started! :D

Louis smiled, remembering Liam trying to push him away and Louis winning by putting frosting on his cheek. He picked up the next photograph.

2011- This was the year when we started getting close. Here's the picture when we were playing basketball and had that deep conversation. I knew you were going to be a great person, you still are. It's one of my favourite moments.

Louis didn't want to tear up, but he did. He started to miss Liam.

2012- We were definitely close. This was also the year you started putting yourself down and I hated that. I love this picture of you. Look at you, smiling at the sunset when we were at the beach. I love seeing you happy, Lou.

More tears.

2013- Definitely one of my favourites! Surprisingly, you were lighter than I thought when I gave you a piggyback ride during this. It's cute, don't hate on me!

Louis smiled.

2014- Remember when we decided to write a little song because we had that idea in mind? I still have the notebook page, you have a good voice. We should write more songs, mate! Let's become a music duo haha!!

"I miss your voice, Liam," Louis whispered, as if Liam was there with him.

2015- It's been a great year! Here's the group photo from my birthday! That was a great time, I had a lot of fun. 2016 is coming, can't wait to see what's going to be the next photo and I hope there's many more to come!

Louis was still in tears, missing Liam. It's ridiculous, he talked to Liam earlier, too. He doesn't want that kind of conversation, though. He wants to be able to feel comfortable with him again and they're both happy. He will talk to him.

Louis grabbed the hoodie and held it against his chest, recognizing the scent of Liam. He grabbed his phone and typed out his number. He will talk to him. Not now.

"Louis! Oh my God, Louis," Liam answered frantically. "Hey," Louis greeted, hugging the hoodie tighter.

"I'm so happy you called like I am so happy."

"Well, here I am. The thing is, I do want to talk to you. Not now on the phone, maybe tomorrow in person."

"Oh, yeah! Sure, I want to talk, too. That's good."


"Yeah, there are things I want to discuss."

"Me too, sorry if this was short, but we say the things we want to say tomorrow. Bye."

"Oh, bye Lou. Miss you"

Louis heard the last two words right when he hanged up. "Yeah, miss you too," Louis whispered once again and fell back on his bed.

He will talk to him.


hii, new chapter. liam and louis will meet again next chapter yay! thanks for the votes and reads :D!!!!

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