extra: Trailer chapter

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Guys! Thank you SO MUCH for this. 2k views is a milestone I never thought I could ever accomplish on my own... And the truth is, I didn't. I really want to thank:

scythus , for his amazing imagination and warm welcome to the world of NLO.

Armanus , for being interested and an active reader of my series

Firepower36 , for joining the NLO family and for her nice book seried

But really, I would like to thank my two good friends ShanksSalvatore , and beatcr . Together we have gone through out ups and downs. But at the end we have been able to strive upward. And these 2k views are all the proof we need. I really hope to create co-op chapters with anyone who ever writes an NLO series and without further ado, I'll begin the trailer chapter.

Arc 2: Shadows of the circle

Right after the death of berserker:

Before, the world was plunged in light. But with the frozen king, came darkness. Before the game was even in the store shelves, a group of 5 individuals hoped to become the best players. They fought like brothers, but after time went by, they all took different paths.

Now I sit here alone. On this cold black throne... What has been of the fake circle?


???: Lord Vath! Do you feel it?!?

Vath: Yes. Now get the others ready... It's time.

???: Sir you don't mean...

Vath: Yes. The time has come, and everyone of that fake circle shall perish under my grip.

Several months later...

Voltz: Wow! They sure are in trouble. Shouldn't we help?

Mifune: I told you, this is not our battle.

Logan: Ever since Rake left you have become bossy all of the sudden.

Mifune: It is my job.

Exalos: Yeah yeah. I brought the pop corn!

Terra: Yay!!! Popcorn!!!

Arielle: Someone shut her up already...


Terra: ... !!!

She grabbed her hammer and was about to hit Oboro!


Oboro: CANCEL!!! Now you can speak again.

Terra: Sniff sniff...

Arielle: Ever since Blaze and Marina got married, she has been like this.

Logan: Poor Terra.


Mifune: Everyone! Look!

Vath: Hello members of the fake circle. My name is Vath.

Vath pulls out Blaze and Marina from a strange amulet.

Mifune: Let them go!


Vath: Useless.


Logan: H-how did you...

Vath: You are hopeless.

He took out a huge sword. It had runes incrusted on them. They glowed in an evil tone of red.

Vath: Whoever gets slayed by my blade, does not come back.

Terra: D...

Mifune: The forbidden blade! Nightmare! Which means you are...

Vath: Yes. I am Vath, the 2nd strongest member of the original circle.

His blade began to glow.

Mifune: Everyone!!! Get back!!!

Vath: Nightmare's Vampiric Slash!!!

Everyone: NOOOOO!!!!

Red light surrounded both Blaze and Marina, and they disintegrated. Both their monster souls became monsters and were transported into their natural environments.

Vath: If you want revenge, I'll be waiting. And I'll kill you one by one. Never doubt that.

He disappeared into a cloud of black smoke.

Logan: You.... I'LL KILL YOU!!!

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