#1: A Misunderstanding

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"Papa! I wanna go this way, please?" The cry from the small red rabbit echoed, making people stare.

Nick held the same half closed eye lids look, feeling annoyed as ever. The rabbit tugged, trying to pull.

"Hazel stop now, Papa's going to take you to the bathroom and I don't want you to cause him any trouble," Judy said firmly, holding a giggling grey fox under her arm.

Hazel, the rabbit, sighed heavily, she stomped as her father led her to the restroom. Judy and the very hyper fox headed toward an ice cream parlor, hoping the kit would calm down.

"You and your sister cause your father so much trouble," Judy grumbled.

The kit just smiled widely and licked her cheek. She couldn't help but smile.

"Papa when I'm done can we get ice cream?" She asked, hands in her overall pockets.

Nick shrugged," Ask your mom."

Hazel looked down then kept walking," where do kits come from?"

Nick's face heated up but he still remained cool," Ask your mom... When you're older."

She looked up," why does Joey have four parents?"

"Ask your mom."

"Why are the clouds white?"

"Ask your mom."

"Why am I a rabbit and you're a fox?"

"Ask your mom."

"Why can some animals breathe in water?"

"Ask your mom."

"Why can-"

Nick was down to his last nerve, he clenched his fist and watched Hazel from the corner of his eyes. He didn't really have that much patience for kids.

"Hazel just stop please, any questions you have, ask your mom," he snapped.

The rabbit formed tears on the sides of her eyes before sniffling. Nick noticed this and quickly regretted what he told her.

"I-I'm sorry Haze, don't cry," he hushed her quietly.

Hazel, on purpose, busts into tears. She knew her father didn't want her too, but she wanted to over act and start crying to get everyone's attention.

"Please Hazel stop," Nick sighed, picking her up.

She just cried louder and struggled against him for affect. Nick tried everything, even bribing her.

"Excuse me sir."

Nick turned around annoyingly to see a well dressed Wolf staring at him.

"Yes can I help you?" He mumbled.

"I don't think that's your kid, unless you are blind, it's a rabbit," he said dully.

Nick blinked, then realized what he meant. "She is my kid, isn't that right Hazel?"

The wolf looked down at the small bunny who was wiping away tears.

"Is he your father?"he asked.

Hazel nodded slowly," he's getting me ice cream so... Yes."

The wolf laughed," are you bribing this child? Kidnapping can get you in serious trouble mister."

Nick scowled before putting Hazel down and stepping closer to the wolf.

"Kidnapping? What? I helped make this child!" Nick growled loudly.

The two were seizing each other up, both male predators puffing out their chest. As if they would start fighting any second.

"Nick!" Yelled Judy, she rushed over to them.

Holding the fox kit with ice cream smeared all over his face. Judy looked between the two worriedly, holding the kit closely.

"What's going on? Where's Hazel?"

"I'm here momma!" The little rabbit pushed her way to Judy and hugged her legs.

The wolf looked at the pair," I'm so sorry ma'am I thought-"

Judy waved him off," You thought he was kidnapping her, it's fine."

Nick cleared his throat and waited for the wolf to apologize. Which he did not.

"Have a good day ma'am," the wolf said before disappearing.

Nick growled," he didn't even apologize. Hazel, when we get home you're in big trouble."

"Why, what did she do?" Judy asked, picking up the five year old.

"She had a tantrum right in the middle of the place, then that guy showed up and kept assuming me of kidnapping!"

"Ok well the kidnapping thing you'll have to get over. That's what happens when a rabbit and a fox have kits. So why did she start crying?"

Nick rubbed his neck before answering. "Because I snapped at her for asking too many questions."

Judy sighed," Be patient Nick, she's still a baby."

"She's five," he said bluntly.

Hazel looked up at Nick and said sadly," I'm sorry papa..."

He tried to be firm but it just didn't work. He opened his arms and took her in, hugging the small ball of warmth. She smelt just like she did when she was born, oh how he missed those days. Nick couldn't help but think about the future, the teen years, giving her up to some bunny... Or fox. That jolted him straight up, he knew how young boy foxes could be. Nick knew he had to be the best father he could, give all his affection to his daughter. Therefore he needed to savor the years with his daughter.

"Papa loves you sweat heart," he mumbled.

"I love you too Papa."

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