#13 :Vixen Comes To Stay A While (Part 4/ Final Part)

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Two weeks passed.

Judy didn't call Nick and Nick didn't call Judy. His clothing still lingered around her apartment, she didn't dare to pick them up. Judy cried for the past week and she was thankful that she didn't have to go into work until next week. Since Nick and Judy were partners, it's going to be very awkward when they go back. Judy didn't want to think about Nick, every time she did it brought tears to her eyes. The apartment always stayed dark and quiet, she didn't even turn on the tv.

She stood by the phone for hours, just waiting for him to call. Maybe he really did move onto Vixen... How could he do it so quickly? Of course she could go out with just any animal, but not too soon and she defiantly couldn't find anyone like Nick Wilde. Did she really not mean anything to him? Judy sighed and cleaned her room slowly, eyeing the empty spots on the bed. That was when something else caught her eyes. Judy stuck her hand under the pillow and pulled out Nick's wallet.

She gasped slightly and opened it up, seeing a picture of her wearing his shirt and pulling on the tie. That memory smacked her in the head once she started to remember it. He kept the picture? Nick had taken it with his phone when she was messing around in his clothes when they first started dating. He went to get it printed and made a wallet size picture. Tears started to fog her vision as she smiled slightly.

The wallet was also filled with money and his credit cards. It's been two weeks and he hasn't been looking for his wallet? Judy had to return it to him, but she didn't want to see him. She could just leave it on his stairs. Judy didn't bother to change, she merely pulled some sweatpants on and a lavender tank top. Before she left she wiped her eyes and hoped he wouldn't notice that she has been crying. Judy left her apartment and slowly walked to Nick's. She clutched the wallet and sighed, what if this was it? What if it was all over...

Judy saw Nick's apartment looming over her. It was the bad part of Zootopia, kind of like where Judy use to live when she just moved there. It was very small and most of the windows were shattered or boarded over with wood. Quietly she walked up the steps and put the wallet on the floor. Creeping down slowly she made it to the bottom of the steps before the door swung open. Judy turned around and met with those green striking emerald eyes that stared back at her widely.

He saw her amethyst eyes were puffy and red, had she been crying? He looked down at his wallet and picked it up slowly. Judy's expression turned back to normal as she sniffled.

"You left it," she said emotionlessly.

Nick had to fight back from implying that she said she would burn his stuff. Instead he opened it up and saw the picture of Judy he kept in his wallet. He looked up at her and closed it.

"Judy... I have to explain, just to get this off my chest," He said firmly.

Judy didn't answer which he thought was her giving him permission to continue.

"I didn't kiss her, I swear. Well technically I did but that's not the point. The point is Vixen forced herself on me as soon as you walked in. She confessed to me yesterday, all of it was a lie. Her boyfriend didn't break up her, she just wanted to get to me. Judy I would never cheat on you, I swear that's what happened," Nick urged.

He walked toward her as she tried to back up slightly.

However Nick grabbed her shoulders and held her in place. "Judy please, I love you. These two weeks have been a nightmare without you. I've even been calling your name in my sleep!"

Judy stared at him, looking straight into his eyes. "And all this time I thought you were hooking up with Vixen..."

He chuckled," Actually I've been trying to figure out a plan to apologize and explain to you what really happened."

Judy smiled slightly, her eyes starting to gloss over. "Oh Nick..."

He grinned and hugged her tightly,"You bunnies... so emotional..."

She began to laugh as tears ran down her cheeks. "I love you so much, please come home with me. I've missed you so much that it's been really making me depressed."

Nick lifted her up, her legs instantly wrapping around his waist.

"Don't mind if I do, gosh Judy I love you," he breathed, holding her closely.

"These past weeks were killing," Judy sighed, wiping away her tears.

"Let me make it up to you at home," he whispered, wrapping his arms around her waist.

Judy giggled," Sly fox."

"Adorable rabbit."

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