#3: Bite Marks? Or Love Bites?

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A/n: I've noticed that people will add my books to their reading list but not vote. Some people are probably gonna read it later but for those who aren't, voting on my book isn't too hard. So please vote, it makes me know that my book is actually not as crappy as I think ^^'

But thanks so much for those who voted! Means a lot! And comments make my day too so don't hesitate! Also if you have any Wilde Hopps fanfics you want me to read or vote on just tell! I don't mind at all to read your books ^~^ Thanks again and enjoy the oneshot!!!

"Oh Judy! I'm so glad you've come to visit! And you've brought a... a friend," her mother trailed off.

Nick stood next to Judy, clearing his throat. Judy's nieces and nephews crowded around the fox, poking and pulling on him. He was on his best behavior and ignored the young ones. Meeting Judy's parents was nerve racking, especially since he was a fox and they were all rabbits.

"This is Nick Wilde, my partner," Judy said, chuckling nervously.

"Hello dear," her mother smiled awkwardly.

"Good day Mrs. Hopps and Mr. Hopps," Nick grinned, hands behind his back.

Judy's father looked him up and down and gave him the friendliest look he could give a fox. "Well your mom just made dinner so let's get at it before it gets cold."

Judy sighed in relief as they all gathered into her large yet still crowded house. The dinner table was huge, however there were still chairs that needed to be pulled up. Nick sat next to Judy while her parents sat across since the table was rectangular and long. One of Judy's sisters sat next to Judy while one of her nieces sat next to Nick, messing around with his tail. He ignored the little carrot top and focused on trying to make a conversation with her parents.

"So Jude the dude," said her sister, Holly, "Tells us a bit about your friend, he's a pretty cute fox."

Judy's parents looked applauded, it seems that Holly is a lot like Judy, only a year older.

Nick was flushed," Ah well not much to tell about me heh."

Judy kicked him silently under the table, making him go back to quiet little Nick.

"He's my partner and a cop, we work together and uh that's about it..." Judy smiled nervously.

Nick looked at her, silently saying,"Tell them that we're dating!"

She just looked away back to her sister who was staring at Judy the whole time with a wide grin.

"Uh-huh, are you sure you two aren't, yeah know? Talking?" Holly chuckled.

"Holly Hopps!" Her father warned.

She shrugged,"Oh come on dad, Judy's not a baby bunny anymore. She's all grown up, and it's time for her to start settling down."

Nick coughed on his water while Judy blinked.

"Whoa hold on, I'm only 24, I'm not ready for marriage sis," Judy said quickly.

"So you're not talking to him? If your not then I want his number," Holly winked.

"Nobody is going to marry a fox!" Judy's father yelled to them.

Nick's ears fell while Judy grabbed his arm. "Dad, me and Nick are dating."

The whole table went silent. Even Holly who dropped her carrot.

"Wha... What? Judy?" Asked her dad.

Judy put her paws on her hips," Yes dad, I'm dating a fox. And if you don't like it well then you'll have to get use it because we are not separating any time soon."

Everyone was quiet, Judy and Nick stood awkwardly next to each other, waiting for her father's response. Holly just stared at the couple with a dreamy look, her hand propping up her chin.

"You guys would make such cute bunnies and foxies, wouldn't they mom?" Holly snickered.

Judy and Nick blushed deeply while her parents gave Holly a glare.

"I'm sorry Judy I just didn't expect you to be dating a fox, I mean they aren't bad guys but as a mate?" He arched an eyebrow.

Holly squinted and pointed lazily at Judy with a fork. "Hey sis, what's that on your neck there."

Judy lifted her hand to her neck, pushing down her shirt collar. She blushed deeply, feeling teeth marks that made an indent. At the moment they were pink due to the no hair on that part of her body. Everyone leaned in, making Mr. Hopps' eyes widen.

"Those... Those are teeth marks!" He said angrily.

Nick looked around as he saw everyone either cowering or looking as if they might go savage.

"Wait no! It's not what it looks like! Nick didn't attack me..." Judy gulped.

"Then what happened sweetie?" Mrs. Hopps asked worriedly.

Nick blushed but cracked a sly smirk, covering it up with a cough. Holly waggled her eyebrows as she leaned forward, hands under her chin.

"Go head Jude, tell us what happened," she said tauntingly.

"It's uh kind of personal, they're...," she mumbled," love bites..."

Holly's ears twitched," I can't hear you."

Mr. and Mrs. Hopps leaned in closer, their ears raising up. "Speak up dear."

Judy put both paws on her head before shouting," They're love bites ok!"

Among the table were laughters from the older nieces and nephews, and even from some of Judy's siblings. Her parents flushed, looking at her with shock and awkwardness.

Holly leaned back with a satisfied smile. "And there we have it."

Nick smirked, his face and the tip of his ears lit up brightly while Judy's face was as bright as a tomato. She turned around and smacked Nick's arm with much force.

"Well uh lets get to the dessert shall we! Heh..." Mr. Hopps changed the subject.

Mrs. Hopps stood up and scurried to the kitchen," Yes! I will go get it!"

Nick and Judy sat down, completely red and embarrassed. Oh how lucky she was that her parents didn't kill her...

"Be careful now, I don't need no more nieces and nephews," Holly joked.

Judy looked at her like she wanted to ring her neck. Nick just lifted his hand and rubbed Judy's neck, smirking.

"Remind me to make s'more marks here," he laughed, feeling the fur on her neck.

Judy pushed him away in disgust," what's wrong with you!"

Holly chuckled," Oi, bite marks? Or love bites? Hard to tell these days."

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