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It's a sad chapter but it get better.



"C'mon hun". Scott said as he called out to Mitch.

Mitch didn't want to admit it but he had butterflies just from hearing Scott call him "Hun".

Mitch walked out of their room ready to leave for the air port.

Scott gave him a sympathetic smile. "Do you have everything"?

"Yeah....are you ready". Mitch asked giving Scott a small smile.

"Of course sweet thang, c'mon". Mitch nodded, looking down with a blush on his face.


They arrived at the airport after a 45 minute drive there.

Mitch took in a shaky breath not wanting to see his father in such pain after a heart attack and surgery.

Scott set a reassuring hand on Mitch's thigh. "It's gonna be alright I promise".

"I know".

"I probably know the answer to this but tomorrow is Tuesday, do you still want to do Superfriut?" Scott really thought Mitch was going to say no. That's why he was so surprised with Mitch's answer.

"Of course Scott, I'll be just fine to do superfriut. Plus a distraction will be good for me". Mitch said with a reassuring smile on his face.

Scott nodded and looked out the car window. "Okay c'mon hun".


They were now boarding the flight and getting seated.

As they took of Mitch reached a shaky hand out to grab Scott's. "Hey now baby boy, it's gonna be okay". Mitch just gave Scott a nod and looked away, still holding Scott's hand.

I know what your thinking Scott and Mitch aren't dating and it's surprising they never have before. But they're not.

Mitch had feelings for Scott though and Scott could not be more oblivious to it.

Of course Scott had feelings for Mitch too but Mitch was to oblivious to it as we'll.

They make jokes about it on Superfruit all the time little do they know both of them are secretly wishing it was true.

Mitch ended up falling asleep on Scott's shoulder. His little hand still in Scott's.

Scott smiled at the sleeping boy. The one who always has a sarcastic joke to say, the one who is always smiling. But the same boy Scott held two nights in a row while he cried in his arms.

Scott's heart broke for the boy before him. Scott had never seen him so broken.

Scott kissed Mitch's temple, waking him up.

"Oh I'm sorry sweetie, you can go back to sleep". Mitch smiled checking his watch for the time.

"No that's okay, our flight is about to land anyway".


They were now driving to the hotel they'd be staying in.

Scott glancing at mitch every few seconds to make sure he was okay.

Scott pulled into the hotel parking lot and looked to Mitch who's tired eyes kept opening and closing.

"C'mon, let's get up to our room. Then you can take a shower and go to bed".

"Thank You." Mitch said as Scott grabbed bags from the trunk of their car.

"For what Mitchie"? Scott said looking confusingly at the boy.

"For taking care of me so much this week, you've been a big help". Scott looked to him and set the bags down in the ground and grabbed the smaller boy in his arms.

"C'mon let's go inside".


Scott walked out if the bathroom after taking his shower and was surprised to see that Mitch wasn't in bed yet.

"Hey are you okay Mitchie"? Scott said walking towards him. Mitch had his back towards Scott sitting on the twin bed furthest from the bathroom.

Scott was a foot away until he noticed that Mitch was crying. Scott walked to him quickly and pulled him in a hug and rubbed a hand up and down his back.

Mitch wasn't sobbing this time though he was silent crying. As if he didn't want Scott to hear him.

"Shh, Mitchie it's okay, don't cry, everything's okay". Now Mitch was full on crying, grabbing fist fulls of Scott's shirt and pulling himself closer to Scott's body.

Scott pulled away and wiped Mitch's tears. "Shh, no more tears now".

Mitch nodded and wiped his tears aggressively before crawling into bed and holding his arms out towards Scott and making grabby hands, almost like a child but Scott just smiled at him fondly and crawled into bed with him, pulling him into his chest.


I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter it's defiantly longer than the last one. And maybe even sadder. Sorry..... No actually I'm not.

Love y'all💎

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