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Just a simple chapter for an update but be prepared for next chapter. 😊


Mitch woke up, beginning to stretch out but was stopped by a pair is strong arms wrapped around him.

"S-Scott"? Mitch's eyes began to fill with tears as he looked up at the man he'd missed so much.

"O MY GOD SCOTT". Mitch screamed as he jumped further into Scott's embrace. Scott instantly woke up and hugged the smaller boy back.

He was quick to pull back when he heard Mitch sniffle.

"Oh, Mitchie are you crying"? Scott asked not wanting Mitch to cry.

"N-No". Mitch said as he pulled back and wiped his tears away. "See I'm not". He said trying to put on as big a smile as possible.

"Sweetie, don't cry, it's okay im right here". Scott said pulling Mitch back into his arms. "I'm so so sorry, I shouldn't have left, God... I...I shouldn't have left you here all alone, I'm so sorry".

"It's really fine Scotty, I was just really, really, scared you wouldn't come back". Mitch said being as honest as he could possibly be. "I just didn't want to be left alone, I really missed you".

"I missed you too honey". Scott said, sympathy clear in his voice.

It was quiet until Mitch finally asked a question he'd wanted to ask for forever now.  "Why do you do that"?

"Do what". Scott asked clearly confused.

"Call me those pet names".

"I'm sorry do you not want me too"? Scott asked even more confused by the sudden question, he didn't think the pet names bothered Mitch? Maybe he was wrong.

"No, silly, I just.... You call me those names but... don't people usually use those names with people their like... dating?" Mitch asked as he looked up to Scott, eyebrows drawn together waiting for Scott to answer.

"You can call anyone "honey" or "sweetie" you don't have to be dating. People call each other those names because their close and they care about each other. You don't have to be dating Mitchie". Came Scott's reply.

"Your right, sorry for asking such a stupid question". Mitch said looking down and playing with his hands.

"No, no it wasn't stupid you were just curious. You had a question and I had an answer, that's it, you can ask me anything you want Mitch".  Scott paused for a second before he had a question. "Why do you think it was stupid"?

"What was stupid".

"The question hun".

"I...I don't know, you just sounded like it was an obvious answer like... I should've known what the answer was, I'm sorry I'm over reacting".

"Don't apologize, it's fine, I didn't mean to make you feel like it was a stupid question and like it had an obvious answer, I'm the one who should be apologizing". Scott looked at Mitch for a second. "I'm very sorry for making you feel that way Mitchie".

A small smile plate on Mitch's lips. "That's quite alright, your forgiven".

"Thank you, would you like to film a Superfriut episode today"?

Mitch nodded. "Yes please".



"Starbucks"? Mitch asked after filming Superfruit.

"Yes please". Scott said with a chuckle and a hint of morning voice still there. 

"We'll lets go then". Mitch said reaching out and grabbing Scott's hand to drag him out the door.

They always walked to Starbucks, seeing as they lived two seconds away from it.

As they started their walk Mitch had a question. "Scott"?

"Yes Mitch"?

"Do you ever like wish we were dating"?

Scott froze not knowing what to say, now is the time I can tell him my feelings but I could also ruin our relationship, he thought to himself.

He ended up deciding against telling him and just being nice about it for once. "Mitchie, I like the relationship we have together now, but I think that if we were boyfriends that it would ruin it".

Mitch nodded and smiled up at Scott. "That's nice but you didn't really answer my question".

Scott held the door to Starbucks open for Mitch. "Can we talk about this later please"?

"Yeah, sorry I'll drop it".


After getting their order and walking back home Mitch wanted to bring up the same question again.

"Scott can you answer the question from later".

"I...I don't think now is the right time to be having this conversation". Mitch nodded respecting Scott's wishes to just drop it and have the conversation another time.

Mitch decided it was good to change the subject. "So when will you edit the video"?

Scott looked up and smiled glad that Mitch had dropped the conversation. "Um I might just get it done today, who knows I'm so lazy it probably won't happen". Scott said with a shrug.

"Of course I forgot, your lazy". Mitch replied with a smirk.

Scott raised an eyebrow at him. (Haha yeah what eyebrows?)

And the second Scott stepped out of the kitchen Mitch knew what he was going to do.

Mitch began to run around the apartment trying to get away from Scott. But of course his short legs were no match for Scott's long legs.

Scott finally tackled him to the ground, tickling Mitch.

"N-NO". Mitch yelled while he laughed.

"What"? Scott asked innocently. "My hands stuck".


"No I swear, my hands stuck". Mitch couldn't even respond because he couldn't stop laughing.

Scott had finally been satisfied with Mitch giving up. "Okay I think I'm done"

"Ugh, finally, get off me". Mitch said as he tried to push Scott off, of course having no success at all.

"Do I really have to tickle you again".

Mitch's eyes widened and Scott let out a chuckle. "No please, I'll be good promise".

"Okay". Scott said finally getting off the smaller boy.


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