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*angry reader throws book at me*

Enjoy this crazy roller coaster of a chapter😘


Scott woke up and smiled at the smaller boy in his arms.

He gave Mitch's temple a kiss hoping to wake him up softly.

Right them Mitch's eyes fluttered open and looked into the deep blue eyes above him.

Mitch gave him a small smile and untangled himself from Scott's arms.

"When do you want to go visit". Scott asked with a sympathetic smile.

"Um, today will be fine, I'm just gonna change then we can go".

"Okay just tell me when your ready to leave".

Mitch didn't reply just nodded trying to hold back his tears that began to fill his eyes.

He walked past Scott to get dressed, trying to prepare himself for what he might see today.

Mitch never really knew the damage his father was in, but if he was honest he doesn't want to know. He doesn't want to see his father in pain or scratched up.

But he was going to be there for his father.

He then turned to Scott who was holding the keys in his hand. "I'm ready".

"Alright c'mon".


The drive there was only thirty minutes but to Mitch it felt like forever.

Mitch knew he was getting to worked up and that he should stop thinking something terrible is going to happen but that's just what happens when you feel like your going to lose your father.

They were soon there but for Mitch it was all too soon.

They were slowly walking up to the door, Scott just following the speed Mitch was going not wanting to rush him.

Mitch slowly turned around to face Scott and let out a shaky breath. "S-Sc-Scott"?

"Yes Mitchie".

"I'm s-scared". Scott frowned at the boy and walked up pulling the small boy close to his chest.

"I know, but it's gonna be okay, your mom said he was fine right".

Mitch let out a few sniffles. "Yeah, let's go inside". Scott nodded and followed Mitch inside.

Scott walked up to the front desk, Mitch too afraid he would cry.

"Mitch Grassi for Mike Grassi".

"Of course, go on".

Scott turned around and grabbed Mitch's hand to lead him in the direction the lady pointed to.
They didn't have to do much in the way if finding because the room was just the floor above them.

They took the elevator up to the next floor, Mitch constantly playing with a loose string on his jeans.

The door opened an they walked down the hall to find the room.

As soon as they found the room, they were just standing outside staring at the door, more like Mitch was standing outside staring at the door and Scott just stayed behind trying not to rush him.

"Mitchie". Scott spoke softly.

Mitch nodded. "I know".

Mitch opened the door to see his dad and mom talking and laughing.

"D-dad". Mitch said with a voice just above a wisper.

"Hey buddy, come here".

Mitch gave him a smile and walked towards his dad's bed side.

Mitch's mom reached over to wipe a tear falling down her poor baby's face.

"Sweetheart". His mom, Nel, spoke softly. "You know your dads okay right"?

Mitch didn't reply jut nodded and engulfed his dad in a hug.


After a few hours they were on they're way back to the hotel to film a Superfriut episode. That's when a thought accord to Mitch.



"Do you think Scomiche could be like A real thing".

"Mitch, Scomiche is a joke. There's a line between Superfriut and Scomiche. Superfriut is real and Scomiche isn't".

"Yeah I was jut ya know thinking".

"It's alright, your tired and not thinking straight". (Haha straight my butt)

"Yeah your right".

But Scott wasn't, Mitch had feelings for Scott but if course Scott was just too oblivious to it.


"Hi, welcome to Superfruit the best show on the internet, my name is Miranda Presley".

"Oh my name is Andyyyyyyy".

"And together were amazing".



"Hey are you gonna take a shower"?

"No I think I'll just take one in the morning".

"Um, ok. I wanted to talk to you about this whole Scomiche thing".

" Look Scott you don't have to tell me I know".

"You know what"?

"That Scomiche is a joke".

Scott just nodded and turned to make his bed. "We'll I'm glad you understand then".

Of course Scott knew he had feelings but he wasn't willing to admit that to Mitch yet, he can't even admit that to himself.

Mitch had brought this conversation up before and every time Scott gets mad. Scott doesn't know how to handle his feelings for Mitch, and that's why it's so hard for him.


Now I wasn't originally going to have Scott act like that but I can't have them like make out or anything.

Love y'all💎

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