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Just realizing that this chapter is an awful, emotional, roller coaster


"Oh Scott don't cry please, im right here it's okay". Mitch said while he held Scott tight in his arms

"I'm s-sorry".

"Don't apologize for crying silly, it's okay to cry. I just don't want you to cry over me".

Scott pulled back at that. "Why wouldn't I cry over you"?

"Scott there is just no reason to cry over this, over me". Scott stared and him then spoke.

"Mitchie your the most important thing in my life, all I could do was cry, I couldn't stop crying because I thought you were gone".

Mitch stared at him for a second then lunged forward to hug him. "Your so sweet".

"I got it from you".

"Please your so sweet you can't take a compliment without giving someone else one".

"Please, your the sweetest-".

"Oh shut up". Mitch interrupted. "Just say thank you".

"Thank you Mitchie".

"Your welcome, now let's go to bed".



"I'm gonna make some coffee do you want some". Mitch said breaking Scott from his thoughts.

"Yeah of course thank you".

Mitch walked away and Scott turned to sit on the couch.

Scott had the T.V. on only he wasn't watching it, he was too deep in his thoughts about how he was going to tell Mitch.

He knew he loved him and he knew he couldn't keep a secret.

Mitch walked out and set a cup if coffee in front of Scott. "Here ya go".

"Thank you". There was a long pause before Scott said something that he will now regret but won't later.

"I have feelings for you Mitch".

Mitch stared at him like he was crazy, a thousand thoughts running threw his mind.

He never thought he would here those words come out of his friends mouth.

He had always wanted to hear those words but never realized how much until now.

"What did you just say" Mitch said with disbelief clear in his voice.

"I-I said I have feelings for y-you".

Mitch couldn't believe his ears, he couldn't believe this was real. Before he knew it he was lunging forward to crash his lips into Scott's.

"I have feelings for you to".

Scott's smile had never been so bright while he looked into Mitch's beautiful brown eyes


Scott woke from the dream not believing what he just dreamt about.

He's always convinced himself he didn't like Mitch always told himself he

Mitch was his best friend and he wasn't going to mess it up.

"Scott". Mitch called from his bedroom, but Scott refused to move from his bed.

"Scott, I really wanna talk to you". Scott still couldn't pull himself from his bed.

"Scott, please". And still Scott didn't move.

So Mitch finally walked into Scott's bedroom.

"Scott I called you three times, why aren't you listening to me".

"Oh....um.....sorry, I gotta get out of here". Then Scott took his phone and keys and left without another word.


It's been a few hours and Scott still hadn't come back home. Mitch was freaking out and non stop texting him, but he wasn't answering.

Mitch (7:09pm)- Scott please come back.

Read at 7:15pm

Mitch (7:17pm)- Scott I know you read my text, please come back

Read 7:20pm

Mitch shook his head knowing Scott probably wasn't coming back for a while.

But he was going to come back, Mitch knew Scott was coming back, he wouldn't just leave.


It's now been 24 hours and Scott still hasn't come back yet.

Mitch was now in Scott's room laying on his bed and clutching on to one of Scott's shirts for dear life.

If Scott knew how much pain Mitch was in, he would by his side in an instant. But unfortunately Scott couldn't be found by anyone.

It was night time an Mitch decide to go to bed. Pulling the, tear stained shirt he's been clutching into this whole night, over his head and slipping under the covers. He was fast to fall asleep.


"Scott what are you doing. Go back to Mitch". Alex said glaring down at Scott.

"I can't".

"And why not".

"Because Alex, god I have feelings for him... I...I can't have feelings for him, he's my best friend". Scott replied

Alex shook his head. "Yes you can dumb ass, there's no rule that says you can't have feelings for your best friend".

"I can't Alex".

"Scott listen to me, you showed up at my door crying because you were so worried he wouldn't like you back, you were so worried you were going to screw everything up. But Scott your not, both of you look at each other with those annoying heart eyes, it's so obvious. He likes you back Scott, and you say your scared of breaking his heart but he called me crying because you weren't there. He's so scared Scott, so so scared that your not going to come back and if that doesn't say "love" to you I don't know what does".

Scott just sat there a second taking it all in, until he got up grabbing his keys and phone and rushed out of the door to drive home.


Scott walked into his bedroom, his heart breaking at the sight before him.

Mitch had Scott's shirt on, tear stains very visible, under Scott's covers. Scott walked to wipe Mitch's tear stained cheeks and pushing his bangs out if his face.

Scott crawled under the covers and took the small boy in his arms. Drifting of into sleep.



That was fun

Love y'all

See ya next read.

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