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Third person p. o. v.

Michael walked down the hallway of his school, playing with his watch on his wrist as he looked for his boyfriend of 2 years, Calum.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw the tan boy leaning on a locker talking to a girl. Of course Michael thought nothing of it since Calum told him they were just friends. He believed him. Michael was a person that trusted people to easily and sometimes , it hurt him.

Walking over to the locker his boyfriend was leaning on, feeling his black bag hit his knee while he walked. Once he was there he grabbed on to Calum's forearm, causing the boy to turn and look down at the shorter boy. Michael gave him a soft smile while Calum just gave him a nod. Standing there not paying attention because he honestly didn't care what they were talking about he linked his fingers with Calum's.

Soon the bell rang so he tugged on to Calum signaling it was time to go to class, considering Calum usually walks Michael to class. Calum soon ended the conversation walking hand in hand with Michael to his their first period. "You look nice today baby" Calum says. Michael mutters a thank you. " So you've been talking to that Avery girl for a couple weeks now... You're not u-um going to do anything with her are you?" Michael stops to look at Calum. "No of course not, why would you think that" lie. "O-ok just making sure" he believed him.

All through class Calum was smiling down at his phone texting someone, and Michael knew it wasn't him by the lack of his phone buzzing in his bag. But he thought nothing of it.

   Soon class was over so they went to their next classes that were separate. Then meeting at lunch. "So are we going to go get pizza after you practice? " Michael asked, because they usually went and got pizza every Friday after Calum's practice for soccer. "Actually I have to rain check, I have to u- um help Mali move into her new apartment," he gave Michael a reassuring smile. "O-ok" And he pretended that he wasn't upset.

  Once in the lunch room they sat with their friends Luke and Ashton, Luke being Michaels best friend and Ashton being Calum's best friend. Everyone except for Michael seemed to know Luke had a massive crush on Him. And it always bothered Calum until about one week ago when he stopped caring for anything at all that had to do with Michael. But Michael didn't notice, because he was to infatuated with the tan boy.

    "So what are you doing after school Mikey?" Luke asked, expecting to get a remark out of Calum about how he could only call him that, but nothing came out of him he just stayed looking at his phone a slight smirk on his face. Michael gave him a glance, a frown forming on his face, which Luke noticed. "Nothing my usual plans were canceled." He said looking down at his lap. "I have to go to the bathroom" Michael says, and walks out as fast as he can. Yet he didn't know why he was so upset with Calum, he didn't want to think Calum was cheating on him but he couldn't help it.

   Luke soon entered the bathroom right after Michael did. "What's wrong bub?" He used the nickname he had been calling Michael since they were little. "I think Calum's cheating on me," His eyes started getting glassy. Everyone knew Calum was bisexual but didn't expect him to do anything with a girl while dating a boy. "Why do you think that?" "Because ever since that Avery girl started talking to him he's being texting her and smiling and always talking to her with a smirk on his face when I walk in and she always has that look on her face when she's with him like the ' I want you look' ", by now Michael had tears streaming down his face, soon Luke had his arms around Michael holding him against his chest while Michael continued to cry. But Luke didn't care that his navy blue shirt was gonna have a giant wet spot on his chest or that some pink eyeshadow was smearing onto it, all he cares about is Michael and he wished that Michael was his and not Calum's.

A/n : first chapter complete!

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