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What the hell was their problems!? I stopped running as I stood outside of the hotel, tears fell freely again as I wiped them frustrated, why didn't Jeremy even help me out while Kelton snapped at me?
I frowned deeply.

"Drake?" I turned to the sound of my name, it was that guy who saved me.. Levi.
He was in a suit now, his arms crossed as he looked at me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I frowned shaking my head. "I'm trying to find a way out of this town.." I told him.
Levi frowned. "Let's go for a walk." He said.

"They think I was willing.." I told him as we walked down the beach.
Levi frowned deeply now. "If they had shown up and saw what was going on, I'm sure your brothers would have understood." He told me.
I shrugged. "I don't want to be around them.. I mean, none of them even tried to get Kelton to back off, it hurt.. which is why." I looked to him.
"I am going to leave this town, no letters or anything.." I murmured
Levi blinked. "Are you sure that's a smart idea?" He asked me.
I nodded. "None of them would even miss me, no one even chased after me.. what kind of family is that? Especially with what just happened.." I told him.
Levi placed his hands in his pockets looking to me.
"Where would you even go?" He asked.
I shrugged. "Somewhere." I said.
Levi sighed softly.
"Do you live here?" I asked now.
Levi glanced to me. "No actually, I came down here to visit a friend, I'm leaving today." He told me.
I nodded with a frown.

"Where do you live then?" I asked him as we walked inside of a cafe.
Levi smiled softly. "I live in Las Angeles, I own this company there and they need me back." He told me.
I felt my eyes widen. "Wow.. so you're pretty important then?" I asked earning a laugh from the other.
Levi smiled now. "I would guess it does." He said.
I crossed my arms. "Do you think it would be possible if I rode with you and found somewhere in L.A. to stay at?" I asked him now.
Levi rose a brow. "Do you even know anyone in L.A.?" He asked me.
I frowned shaking my head.
Levi sighed. "You'll be known as a runaway, you do realize that right?" He told me.
I nodded.
Levi looked to a few guys in black with sunglasses.
"The kid is with me, he'll be going with us to L.A. is that understood?" He told them.
"Yes Mr.Levi." They said, opening the door for us to get in.
I looked out the car window, my stomach dropped seeing Luke and Duncan run out, calling my name.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Levi asked me.
I frowned. "I am." I told him.
He nodded as he gave the driver a thumbs up and I watched as we drove away, to the old life I once lived.

/Two weeks later/

{"Seventeen year old, Drake Stillwell is still missing, he was last seen at Ocean View Beach staying at the local hotel with his five brothers and friend. The cops are beginning to give up hope an-"}

Drake frowned turning the t.v. off, his knees against his chest as he sat on the couch.
"Are you going to school today?" He heard Levi ask him from the kitchen.
Drake looked to the time that said '6:08 pm.' He went to a night school that was pretty cool, he was enrolled the first week he moved in with Levi when they arrived. It was one of the deals they had made for him to stay there.
"Yeah.." He slowly removed himself from the couch then made his way to the guest room that had turned into his own, the house they lived in was huge and it felt weird not living in a gigantic house that his brothers owned. He yawned softly, removing his night shirt and pants then replaced them with a casual blue shirt and black jeans with gray vans.
He rubbed his eye then exited the room.
"Is Alex waiting?" I asked Levi who was taking a drink of his water.
He nodded. "Alex just arrived, I probably won't be home until late tonight. I have a meeting with the board and Crystal wants me to go with her to the local bar for a drink, I'll make sure Alex is on time to pick you up." He told me.
I frowned but managed a nod, I grabbed my bag then exited the house to find the limo waiting for me.
This was literally, a whole new life I was living, when I got here. Levi was persistent to get me a phone, so if I needed to reach him or anyone else. I would have that.
I slid inside the car, then sighed when we drove off.

It's been a long two weeks, part of me regrets this, I ran away with a perfect stranger who told me I could just stay with him; but Levi actually takes care of me. My brothers did too, but not as much as he has.. I frowned as Alex parked at the school.
"I will be at this exact spot after you get out Mr.Drake." He told me.
I smiled softly, then got out of the car walking into the building.

Yeah.. this chapter is kind of short, not as long as I wanted it to be, but it gives you an idea on whats going to go on for the next few chapters. To be perfectly honest, if anyone has read or watched the anime called 'Junjou Romantica.'
Then the story is going to turn into something kind of like that, except there won't be two other couples involved.
I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far, and the next chapter will be longer after I get an idea for the next one.
Until then.

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