Chapter 10- Someone Is Watching

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They all zoned out, and just stared into space. We waited for them to show some kind of reaction.

"Do you remember? Do all of you remember the past Auradon?" I asked.

"How did this happen?" Ben asked.

"Well, my mother grabbed the wand and recreated Auradon to a place where the villains ruled."

"So, the book we wrote that actually happened?"


"Does this explain why Jay somehow controls water?" Chad asked.

"I don't only control water. I can also do this." Jay said. He than picked up some leaves and controlled the wind to move it upward, and on the other he lift a rock and split it into two. He took a step back, turned around, and breathed out fire through his mouth. When Jay finished, everyone looked surprised.

"Does anyone else have powers?" Jane asked.

"I can take form of anyone." Evie said. She than took form of Jay, Carlos, me, and back to herself.

"And I can speak to dogs, and somehow am a dog in someway." Carlos explained. He turned around to the other side of the lake, and closed his eyes. He focused and growled, leading to the loudest bark we've ever heard.

"Let me get this straight. Your mother created a world where the villains ruled, we  forgot the original Auradon, you all got powers, and Ben dies. And in the final battle Mal defeated her mother and brought Auradon back, which leads to everyone forgetting what happened in the Villain Ruled Auradon." Chad explained.

"Yeah that's pretty much it." Carlos said.

"And, somehow everyone is getting visions of the other Auradon. And if that happens then the villains might take over again." Evie explained.

"We have to find out how this is happening, and the first thing we should do is-" Jay said, but was cut off by Carlos.

"Shh" Everyone was quiet, and we waited for a sound. Carlos looked around and so did everyone else.

I looked closely at each tree, and saw something off. At one tree, I saw a blurred of black. I looked up and saw three people up on the tree. They saw me, and didn't move. I looked to the water, and saw a blurry, pale figure. I looked back up to the trees, and saw them slowly coming down.

"Jane, Audrey, and Doug go with Evie and follow the person in the water. Jay, Chad and Ben go after the ones in the trees. Lonnie and Carlos come with me. Go after them on my signal." I whispered out.

We all waited, and the ones who were watching us ran. The one in the water swam as it could, leaving small waves.

"Now!" I yelled out. We all chased those who were watching us, hoping they weren't the new VK's.

A/N- ❤️🌹🌺✨🍎🦄☃🔮🐉

Auradon Remembers?- Disney Descendants FanFic Book 3- #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now