Chapter 12- Loyal to the Pride

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Carlos POV

We all watched Scarlet, how she tried to control herself. She let out a roar, echoing throughout the forest, and became a lioness. We all took a step back, and Scarlet looked at us.

"Mal, what do we do?" Jay whispered.

"Why do I have to come up with all the plans?" Mal answered, sounding annoyed.

"Because you come up with ones that mostly work."

Before Mal could answer, Scarlet charged toward us. We scattered, leaving the other VKs in the air. I noticed she was about to attack Jane, and without hesitation, I tackled Scarlet to the ground.

Jane POV

When Scarlet was about to attack me, Carlos tackled her to the ground. I thought he was going to be hurt, but I noticed something different about him.

When he got off of her, Carlos didn't get a scratch on him. We all watched them circling each other, waiting for the other to attack.

"Don't hurt them! Don't touch them!" Carlos growled out, as his voice grew deeper. His eyes glowed a dark red color.

At that moment, Carlos transformed into a very large dog. He had white fur, with black roots, and his eyes still glowed a red color. He growled and didn't seem to notice his form.

"What happened to him?" Evie asked.

"This must be another effect on his powers. He can talk to dogs and become one." Mal answered. We watched as they circled each other, waiting for any reaction.

"Everybody stop!" We all looked up to the cliff, and saw Kiara and Kovu.

They came down and Kovu walked in front Scarlet. Kiarra helped Carlos calm down, and he looked back at me. I walked up to him, and placed my hand on his head. He closed his eyes and turned back to his human form.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You kind of turned into a very large dog, and you did it to save me from Scarlet." I said.

"I didn't hurt anyone did I?"

"No, but Scarlet could have killed me if you hadn't save me."

"Your welcome, and I'll try to control this power." He said with confidence.

Kovu POV

I looked at Scarlet in her eyes. I focused and talked to her though thoughts.

"Scarlet, you have to control this" I said through through my thoughts.

"How I never did this before?" I understood her problem. This happened to me when I thought too much of my 'father'. Scar took me in and taught me everything he knew. I was thinking of how made he would have been for not being loyal to his pride.

"This happened to me when I first came here. I learned to control so can you. Did you think of dad before this happened?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I think the way we think of him somehow effect when we become a lion"

"How do I change back."

"Just think of something you want, something that you want to do, even though Father won't approve of it."

"I don't want to steal the wand. He told me to do it, if not then I'll be betraying him."

"I thought that too, but we can start our own pride, own where we can join others to be who we want to be."

She was quiet for a moment, and was i took a step back. We all watched her, and waited. Scarlet slowly became human again.

"Thank you" Scarlet said. She ran up to me, and gave me a hug. She always did this, even on the Isle. Scarlet did it in secret, whenever she was scared or sad.

That was the last thing I felt before a flash blinded me.

Evie POV

We all watched them, and a flash made them disappear.

"Where did they go?" I asked. After that Susan, Anthony and the twins disappeared the same way.

"What is happening?" Carlos asked again.

"We have to get back to Auradon Prep." Mal said. She than opened a portal, leading all of us back to school.

Why them? Why not the rest of us?
A/N- So that all happened
- Scarlet turned into a lioness and Carlos turned into a lycan (Another name for a werewolf)
- And the some VKs disappeared

#GenieInABottle was AWESOME. Hoping for more Descendants Wicked World

Auradon Remembers?- Disney Descendants FanFic Book 3- #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now