Chapter 11- The Chase

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Scarlet POV

The moment they saw Mal look at us, I motioned the Twins and Anthony to come down. They slowly came down, but when they did, Mal and everyone else ran to us. At that moment we ran as fast as we could out of the forest. I turned back, and saw them chasing us.

For some reason, I thought of my father. He wants me to just like him, and he never asked me what I wanted.

The faster I ran and the more I thought about my dad, I felt myself feel different in some way. As if I was becoming an animal.

Evie POV

The figure in the water swam faster as we got closer. Jane tries to stop it with some of her magic, but she had trouble aiming and controlling it. Audrey and Doug kept up with me, and I thought of a plan.

"Keep an eye on her up here. I try to find her in the water." I yelled out. I ran up to a nearby cliff, and without hesitation, I jumped off. I closed my eyes, and focus. When I touched the water, I felt as if I was a fish. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the form of Ariel.

I looked around, and saw the figure swimming further away. I swam as fast as I could, but the one who watched us swam faster than me. I looked around, looking through the water. It was too far to see anything in a distance.

Out of nowhere, I felt someone push me to the surface. I turn back to myself, and tried to fight back. The enemy had pale hair, skin, and she had tentacles wrapping around me. I immediately knew it was Susan.

When we made it to the surface, she tried to choke me. I quickly grabbed the dirt and blinded her. I got up and saw Audrey, Doug, and Jane coming up to me.

"What do we do now?" Doug asked. I thought of a plan and remembered that Jane has magic.

"Jane, use your magic to knock her out."

"I am still having trouble with controlling it." She said. Susan slowly got up and looked at us. She looked at me.

"Just try doing it. You did it before, you remember that don't you?" I whispered.

Susan ran to be and and tackled me to the ground. She slowly started to choke me.

"Just do it!" I choked out. Audrey and Doug tried to get Susan off of me but she shoved them off. I tried to pushed her off, but she didn't lose her grip.


At that moment, she froze, and slowly closed her eyes. When she didn't open her eyes, Susan just floated in the air. (Think of this part when Maleficent put Aurora and Phillip asleep in Maleficent [2014].)

"Great, she's asleep. Now what?" Doug asked.

"Jane, can you make a portal to the others?" I asked.

"I can try." She said. Jane slowly held her hand up, and pink sparkles formed with a golden swirl of magic.

Jane shot it near a tree, and the portal form. It was difficult to see what was beyond it. Doug went in first, taking Susan with him. Then Jane and Audrey went in. I went last, but I had a strong feeling that someone else was watching us.


Ben, Chad and I ran after the ones in the trees. They went in a different direction than the one behind the tree, but we followed. They were fast, but we had to be faster.

"Ben, Chad, get behind me!" I yelled out. They did what I said. I stopped, and waited.

"They're getting away!" Chad yelled out.

I said nothing, but waited for the right moment. Once they were far enough, I motioned my arm down, which motion the dirt and rock up, creating a wall-like form. It went to where the ones who watched us were. They kept running, but fall when the rocks hit them they tripped and fell. (2nd row)

"Sometimes you just have to wait for the right moment

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"Sometimes you just have to wait for the right moment." I said to Chad.

We ran up to them, and saw that they were still moving. Two of them were twins, and the other had dark hair. I knew they were the new students.

"Jay, what do we do?" Ben asked. I motion the earth to hold them down to the ground. They struggled to break out, but failed

"Who are they?"

"I know exactly who they are." I said. "They are Gaston Twins and Anthony Tremaine."

"Now what?" Chad asked. I looked around, and a scream was heard. After that, a portal appeared nearby. Doug came through with someone floating in the air, then Jane, Audrey, and Evie.

"Great we found you." Evie said. Anthony was the first to notice Susan.

"What did you do to her?!" He yelled out.

"Why would you care? I thought you didn't like her?" I said back. He didn't know how to answer, but a loud roar interrupted our conversation.

"What was that?" Doug asked. Jane immediately put the Twins and Anthony asleep. I freed them and they floated in the air.

"We should go see where the screaming came from."

Without another word, we ran to where the screaming was heard, taking the other VK's with us


Lonnie, Carlos, and I ran after the one behind the trees. She was athletic, just like Scarlet.

She stopped in the middle of a clear area by a nearby cliff. We stopped, watching what was happening to her. Scarlet grabbed onto her hair, and her eyes glowed a green color.

"What's happening to me?!" She yelled out. Scarlet screamed, and it echoed through the forest. I remembered that the same thing happened to Kovu when he first came, but we weren't sure how it happened.

"This is just like when Kovu came. She's turning into a lioness."

"If that's true, what do we do now?" Lonnie asked. Before anyone could answer, Ben and the others came by and saw what was happening.

Scarlet started to turn into her true form.
A/N- the next chapter, it'll be interesting.

If you want any New or Updates, go to my 'News, Updates, And Fun Facts' book. I showed my reaction of #GenieInABottle if it's available on YouTube.

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