Chapter 23- The Ultimate Sacrifice

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We all walked behind the Fairy Godmother to her office, and I noticed Carlos looking at Jane.

He must be scared of his date. On the Isle, he hardly went out, mostly because of his mother. I frowned at the thought, realizing how much has changed since we got here. We became free from our parents, more VKs attended Auradon Prep, and most of all some of the VKs wanted to be good. Maybe we were all meant to do this, maybe this is part of our destiny.

We all finally made it to the Fairy Godmother's office and only Mal, Evie, Carlos, and I went in along with Jane and Ben. She pushed a button that was hidden under a snow globe and the wand appeared from a hidden slide in her desk.

"I thought the wand was in the museum?" Evie asked.

"That's a replica, I keep the real wand here ever since you all came to Auradon."

"Than why do you have a force field and a siren?" Carlos asked.


"How do you know that?"

We were quiet, until I spoke up. "That doesn't matter now. Right now we need to shut down the portal, before my mother does anything else."

We all walked out of her office to find everyone frozen in time. They didn't move, just like at the coronation after Maleficent caught the wand.

"What happened?" Jane asked out loud. We heard a gasp and saw the Fairy Godmother frozen.

"I can only think of one who can do this?" I said. We all knew exactly who she was talking about, but before anyone could say anything, a green swirl of magic.

"If you're thinking of me than you win. Not really." We all saw Maleficent, and I walked up to her.

"Listen to me very closely, mother. Just go back to the Isle of the Lost and accept the fact that you didn't win and you never will!"

"I only want one thing, and that is for each child to be just as evil as their parent are."

"Actually it's were, because they lost that kind of evilness after spending years on the Isle, and that will never happen! All the VKs chose to live here." At the corner of my eye, I noticed Evie taking out her magic mirror, and Carlos's eyes glowed red. Jay started to take control of small pebble near the windows.

"Than I'll just have to change that!" At that moment she shot lightning from the Dragon's Eye. It all went slow, the lightning was aim at me. Right when it was about to shoot me, Jay jumped in front of me.

The lightning shot him, and created flashed of light. He redirected it back to her, but she disappeared. Jay lied down on the ground clenching onto his wound.

We all ran to him and saw that he was in pain. I immediately took out the Enchanted Lake Water and poured it on him. It glowed and healed parts of the wound.

"Ben, you should stay here and keep an eye on him. The rest of us will go find my mother." I said looking at Ben. I got up and was about to leave, when Ben asked me a question.

"And what do you plan on doing when you find her?"

I never thought of what I should do. She will only use her strong magic to get away with anything, so maybe I should change that.

"Is it possible to take away magic?"

"Your mother did it to my mom in the parallel universe."

"Then maybe I should do that."

Everyone was quiet, and I thought of more how to do that. I'd need the magic wand, but when I turned to the Fairy Godmother, it was gone.

"She has the wand!" I yelled out. "We have to find her and fast."

"Go to the caves that are under the city, that's where the portal is!" Ben said. Jane grabbed onto Evie's and Carlos's hand, who held onto my hand, and tell ported us into the caves.

We looked around and saw my mother, who was talking to shadows. We hid behind a rock and saw that she was talking to Evil Queen and Cruella. Jane let out a squeal just like when she had to pass through us when she needed to speak to her mother. I quickly close her mouth with my hand, but it was too late.

"I know you're watching us Mal." It was my mother. We didn't come out, but someone grabbed onto us and dragged us to the middle of the cave. More of the villains appeared in the cave, they were about to invade Auradon.

When they let us go, I noticed Evie hiding behind a different rock. She must've cloned herself, that's smart.

Maleficent walked up to me, and she had the wand and her scepter. She had to complete her revenge plan.

"You will be the first to see the new Auradon, the one that you destroyed."

"I only did it because Auradon didn't deserve to live in fear and darkness!"

The Evil Queen walked up to Evie, but before she could say anything, Evie popped up everywhere.

"Hey, I'm the real Evie!"

"No, I am!"

"No me!"

While everyone was distracted, Jane slowly tried to grab the wand. My mother noticed and blasted her to the other side. That is when the battle started.

Carlos turned into a wolf, Jane and I used our magic, and Evie used her clones fought off the greatest villains to have ever existed. We were out numbered but Jane froze them in time.

"How did you do that?" Carlos asked.

"Easy. I just thought that they'd freeze in time." She answered with a smile.

I turned to my mother, who was also frozen in time. The wand and the Dragon's Eye were in her hands, ready to strike the next opponent.

This is it. This is when she will stop her evilness and let me be who I want to be.

I pulled the wand out of her hands, along with the scepter. I smashed the Dragon's Eye to the ground, it snapped into two, and the orb shattered.

I held the wand toward my mother, and a blast shot to her. It created a blast of light and wind entered the cave. The light came from my mother, and green beans of light broke through.

Every villain disappeared and the light slowly faded away. When everything became clearer again, what we saw was a surprise.

We saw my mother, but she looked completely different. Her dark clothing turned into a dress that looked as if it came from Auradon, and her eyes weren't as dark. But what stood out most was that she lost her horns, and she had blonde hair with bits of light purple. She looked at herself and was surprised, like how all of us were.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I took away your magic. Since that was the only thing you used for evil, other than the goblins, I took it away. But I am giving you a choice, you can either stay here and learn to live without magic and become good or you can go back to the Isle and have no choice but to accept the fact that you didn't win and you never will. I'll give you until midnight, until then we'll go back to Auradon Prep."

Jane then created a portal, and we all went through, even my mother.

I really hope you'll choose the right thing.
A/N- What do you think Maleficent will choose?

Good or Evil?

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