Chapter 13- I Promise I'll Find You

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Carlos POV

We all made it back to Auradon Prep, in the middle of the main hallway. Everyone looked at us, and some more VKs disappeared. One by one, each disappeared in a flash. It stopped but some VKs stayed.

"Okay, all VKs in their rooms. School is on lockdown until further notice." Ben yelled out. Everyone did what they were told and we went to the dorm room.


"What is happening?" Jane asked. We all stayed together in the main lobby in the dormitory.

"Only the VKs are being flash away." Jay explained. I started to think.

"This happened first when the newest VKs came, then it might keep going until it takes us." I said.

"If that is true, then it's only a matter of time before you guys are taken." Ben said. We were all quiet, not knowing what to do.

"We need to find Gwyn. She might be able to help us." Evie thought out.

"How? We don't have time to find her." Audrey said.

"You don't have to find her, because she is in front of you, and she isn't alone." We all looked to the door and saw Gwyn with Freddie, CJ and Harriet Hook.

"How did you get here?" I asked.

"Well the moment I saw flashes of the past Auradon, I came here as fast as I could. Then I saw you all in the Enchanted Forest, found these VKs first, who led me here."

"Great, but do they know about before?" I asked pointing at Freddie, CJ, and Harriet.

"She told us about it, and we read the book." Freddie said.

"So, you all aren't going to follow your parent's path?" Ben asked cautiously.

"Of course not. We want to choose our own story." CJ said.

"Great, then we need a plan to find out where the VKs are going and how they're disappearing."

"Where do we started, it's only a matter of time before Harriet and CJ are taken." Carlos said.

"Why us?" Harriet asked.

"We believe the VKs are being taken by the time you all arrived. Since you came after Evie, Jay, Carlos, and I, you most likely will be flash away before we will be." I explained.

"So, now what?" Doug asked.

"Let's think. Who do we know who will do this, only the VKs, and not the rest of Auradon" Ben said.

We all thought for a moment, but I immediately thought of my mother. She is the only one who I know who has this kind of power.

"I could be my mother. She is the only one with this kind of power." I said out loud. We were all quiet for a moment. Then Jay spoke up.

"How could it be her? She turned into a lizard and doesn't have that kind of power anymore."

"Well who else can it be?" Evie asked.

"We can try tracking the spell. I don't know if it's possible, but we can track the magic if it's still in Auradon." I said.

"Yeah, but we'll need to get strong enough power to do all of Auradon." Jane said.

"We can gather all the fairies in Auradon Prep."

"We don't have time to gather all the fairies in one area and do the spell. By the time we do all of that." Ben said.

"We have to try, otherwise we'll be taken away and might never come back!"

"I understand this is the only way, but we can't just get all the fairies and track them. We'll need need to create a spell, and that could take some time we don't have!"

"Well if you won't support me, then you can do this on your own! I'll just disappear like I never existed!" I yelled out. I noticed we were looking into each others eyes and standing in the middle of the lobby. Everyone was quiet, watching us.

"Listen, I only want for everyone to return and choose their own life, but we need strong enough magic to do it. And if the tracking spell doesn't work with the fairies then the strongest magic items could work. But those are the Fairy Godmother's wand and Maleficent's Dragon's Eye." I said. He was about to say something, when CJ and Harriet flash away. A minute later, Freddie flashed away too.

"It's too late. We don't have time." Audrey said.

"Ben, you and everyone else will have to do this without us." I told him.

"But if the wand won't work, we'll need the Dragon's Eye, which disappeared when you mother turned into a lizard."

"Just try, and I'll try to figure out anything from where I am." I explained. Carlos quickly gave Dude to Jane, and flashed away.

"Fine." He said. Jay, who was next to Audrey, disappeared in a flash.

"I promise we'll find you." Doug said to Evie.

"I know you will." She said with a smile. They hugged and Evie disappeared.

"I promise I'll find you. I do whatever it takes get you back."

"I know you will find me, and I'll make sure my mother won't be in the way." I said. I felt some tears in my eyes, and I hugged him. He hugged back, and a flash took me away.
1)-  #GenieInABottle was AWESOME

2)-   BAM! All The VKs flashed away.

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