Chapter 18- Gone Again

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I looked into my mother's eyes, waiting for the first move. For some reason, I felt like I had more power over her.

"Do you really want to face the Mistress of Darkness?" My mother said with a chuckle. I didn't say anything, I only tried to think of plan to help all of us escape.

"Don't you get it?! I will never be or join you!" I yelled out.

She was quiet, and then said "Fine, I don't need you. I'll only need her." We all looked to where she pointed to. What we saw surprised us.


We all met up in the cafeteria, when I got a text from Lonnie.

"'You have to get down here now!' with an exclamation point." I read out loud.

"What do we do?" Jane asked.

"Chad, and Audrey you both stay here and find a place to store all the water. Jane, Gwyn and Doug you can come with me. Jane make a portal, it'll get us there faster." I explained.

Jane created a portal and we all went through. We looked through the crowd, and everyone looked confused. We eventually found Lonnie and Kiara in an alley.

"What is it?" Jane asked, while Dude wagged his tail.

"Okay so we were just walking around, right, when all of a sudden we heard a very loud bark." Lonnie explained, "It sounded so close, and everyone was wondering where it came from. A little after we all heard a howl, so Kiara and I followed it which led us here." She pointed to the ground which had a manhole cover.

Doug and I lifted it and saw a ladder going all the way down to the ground. I went in first, then Kiara, Jane with Dude, Gwyn, and Doug.

"Where are we?" Doug asked. I looked around, only to find darkness. From what I felt, we were surrounded by rock and dirt.

The howling stopped, but Dude, who jumped out of Jane's arms, wanted us to follow him. Jane provided us some light and followed him.

We followed Dude through the light we had, and he stopped. Jane picked up Dude, and held her light further in. We all remained quiet, waiting for a sound or a shadow. Nothing appeared.

"Let's go further in and see what we find." I said. We all went in, and Gwyn got her bow and arrow ready.

"Don't you get it?! I will never be or join you!" Someone yelled out. Without another word we ran to the voice.

We ran and made it to a clear area. We looked around and saw all the VKs in cages, and Mal and her mother were facing each other. We all looked at Maleficent, and realize that there weren't any hiding places.

"Fine, I don't need you. I need her." Maleficent said. She pointed toward us, but she specifically pointed to Jane.

We didn't know what to do, but Mal ran up to me. I ran up to her, and couldn't help to smile.

"I missed you." She whispered.

"I did too." I whispered back.

"Yeah, I hate to ruin this touching moment, but I am confused on why your mom needs me." Jane said. Maleficent walked up to her, that when tried to break the bars.


"The reason into me needing you is for me to know and for you to find out." Maleficent said. She then tried to grab Jane, but she flashed away.

I tried to bend the bars, but it didn't work. I closed my eyes, focusing on the prices of earth in the metal. Maleficent started to shoot lightning from her scepter, trying to get Jane, so I tried to focus harder. That is when the metal bended. I quickly bent the bars and I was soon free. I caught up with Mal and the others, who were trying to figure out what to do.

"Jay, how did you get free?" Mal asked.

"Now isn't the time. Right now we need to save Jane and free the rest of the VKs."

"Jay you and Gwyn frees everyone else. The rest of us will figure out his to stop Maleficent." Ben explained. I nodded and Gwyn and I went to free everyone else.

Carlos POV

I saw Jane trying to run away, but Maleficent was too fast for her. I had to protect her. Mal and the other tried to stop her but Maleficent was one step ahead. Jay bended my bars and I turned into my wolf form.

I ran to Jane, protecting her from Maleficent. She stopped, and Jay and Evie frees the rest of the VKs. She was outnumbered.

"Face it mother!" Mal yelled out, "Even if we didn't join the dark side, we are more powerful than you!"

Maleficent looked at all of us. She gave a wicked smile, and flashed away. A little after Evie and Jay flashed away too.

"Everyone get out!" Mal yelled out.

"Jane there's something I have to tell you! Your-" Ben yelled out, but stopped because Jane flashed away.

"Ben, you and everyone else have to leave. My mother will most likely take me and my closest VK friends. I'll figure out what to do." Mal said. I felt myself slowly disappearing. I closed my eyes and felt myself flash away.


I felt tears in my eyes, not wanting to separate from Ben for any longer.

"We'll find eachother again." I whispered to him. Everyone left us, and we were the only ones left.

"I don't want to lose you!" He said with strong emotion.

"You found me once, you can do it again."

I felt myself disappear, and I knew I had to one last thing. "I have to do something before I go away."

"I was thinking the same thing." He got close to me, and move my hair away from my eyes.

We got closer and closer, our lips almost touching, then I flashed away.
A/N- I guess you know what was about to happen.

More fun facts available on my new book.

The video above is basically what Jay did. It's one of the most important moments in the Avatar: The Last AirBender series, and the girl who did it is Toph. Any questions about it you can comment it.

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