Chapter 15- The Strongest Power

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Chad and I ran to main office, but I could stop thinking about Mal.

Is she okay? Is she hurt? Who would do this? All of these questions needed to be answered, and it had to be soon.

We barged through her door and she jumped. "My apologies for disturbing you, Fairy Godmother, but we have a major emergency."

"I'll forgive you, but please knock next time. Now what is the major emergency?" She asked.

"All the VKs flashed away." Chad said.

"Flashed away? How?" She asked as she got up from her desk.

"That's the thing we need your help with. We were hoping that you can use your magic to track the magic that took them."

"I don't know if I can do that."


"I don't have that kind of powerful magic. The wand hold a stronger magic. Whoever holds the wand with a magic in them can control it to do whatever."

"So what does this have to do with you?"

"Without the wand, I don't have the kind of power to track this kind of magic. And the wand might be taken if Maleficent still has her scepter."

"Do you know anyone with that kind of magic without the wand?"

"The only one I can think of is my daughter."

"Why her?" Chad asked.

"Jane may not realize it now, but she has a strong power that can be done without the wand."

"Thanks and can we ask you another question."

"Of course."

"Do you have a stone and water from the Enchanted Lake?" I asked.

"Yes, why?" She asked while taking out a crystal from her cabinet and placed a small fountain of water on her desk.

"Now, my apologies for doing this but..." I quickly sprayed her with water and gave her the crystal. She was quiet, and zoned out. The Headmistress then looked at me and Chad.

"Is this what happened to Auradon when Maleficent came?"

"Unfortunately yes. Do you know where Maleficent is now?"

"She's in the museum, still in the form of a lizard."

"Make sure she stays there, and thank you for your help." I said.

"Your welcome, my King." We left her office and went to the main hallway.

"Now what?" Chad asked.

I thought of what the Fairy Godmother said. "If Jane does have this kind of power, no one else must know about this. If word spread and somehow she here's about it, she'll take her away." I whispered to him.

"And what if they find out?"

"Then we'll have to keep her safe, and not just for her mother. We will keep her safe for Carlos. And we can't tell her either, for her protection."

"Okay, now all we have to do is go to the lake and get a much water as we can. I also have an idea."

"Really? You, Chad Charming, have an idea?" I laughed out. I just couldn't believe it.

"I have my moments. But anyway, we can connect a gallon of water to the fire prevention system. That way we won't waste as much water."

I stopped laughing, thinking of what he said. "You know, that actually might work."

"Really? Finally, I'm starting to think!" He yelled out.

I laughed at his reaction, and I remembered how Mal and I first met. I stopped laughing. I whispered "I miss her."

Chad must've heard me because he stopped and looked at me. "Listen, I promise we'll find her and the rest of the VKs."

I looked at him and to a nearby window, seeing the darkness closing in. "We should probably get going. We'll continue our plan tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. We'll need to have our strength to find them."

"Alright I'll text the other and have Gwyn stay with one of the girls rooms." Chad texted them, while I looked to the window.

I'll always find you, my one true love.

Carlos POV

Jay tried to melt the bars with his fire, while Evie, who became Jay, tried to help him. That was a new thing with her power, when she became someone with a power, she gets it.

"It's not working." One of the Gastons yelled out.

"Well I can't bend the bars if I'm in the form of Hercules, and these bars won't melt any time soon." Evie said, turning back to herself.

"We can't just sit here." Harriet yelled out.

"Well what can we do? Our powers aren't working for some reason." Anthony said.

"Let's save our energy for tomorrow. We can think of a new plan better with some sleep." Mal said.

Everyone nodded and agreed. I turned to my wolf form and howled, hoping Dude or someone can hear me.


This has to be a dream. I was back at Auradon Prep and I saw all the VKs having green eyes. Kovu and Scarlet were in their lion form, and Jay, Evie and Carlos took control of their powers. I tried to piece to gather what was happening, and I realized that I was in control of my powers.

We were attacking Auradon Prep and the students were attacking. I wasn't in control and before I could see anything else I woke up. I couldn't figure what I saw, but I knew my mother had to be a part of it.

I stayed up most of the night and thought of Ben and the rest of Auradon. I hoped Ben and everyone was safe.

I won't ever let you go. I will always be with you.
A/N-   The Quote above is one of my favoite quotes throughout the ENTIRE Cinderella(2015) movie.

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