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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose fan fiction;

Chapter one^

Rylin's point of view;

I walked around this arena with my older brother with excitement. Today was my official first day in the WWE. I was finally gonna be a wwe diva, entertaining the fans is my number one goal. I was pretty pumped to be here and joining my brother is just awesome.

"Are you excited?" He asked me with a smile.

"Of course I am!" I exclaimed giving him a smile. My brother has been in wwe for over 13 years. I can tell he loves what he does when he gets into the ring. He made history and soon I'll make history too.

"Alright," he chuckled. "Make sure you make friends, okay?"

"Randal!" I exclaimed with a groan, "of course I'll make friends. I'm not five."

He started to show me around, but I couldn't help myself but to stare at all the paintings we passed by. I kinda zoned out when he was giving me a tour but oh well.

"So, you know where your locker is right?" He asked me, as I nodded my head, "alright, if you need me, make sure to give me a call, that's why we have phones."

I laughed as he patted my back before handing me my luggage, I waved at him before we made our separate ways. I continued my walk, I probably looked so dumb since I barely knew anything. It's gonna be hard for me to get use to where things are.

I was told by one of the backstage workers that I had a meeting in Stephanie's office, I was so clueless. The only thing I remember in this arena is where my brother's locker from is, I quickly set my things in my brother's locker room.

I take off down the hall and run around the corner, only to bump into a hard chest causing me to fall flat on my bum. The landing didn't really hurt but my nose did, man that person works out a lot.

"Shit." I heard him mumble.

"Sorry." I mumbled as I looked up at him, I continued to stare at him catching every detail, he had dirty blonde hair that covered his blue eyes. He was in a grey leather jacket while wearing a white top. I then discovered him as the lunatic fringe himself, Dean Ambrose. I didn't really know him since my current boyfriend never introduced me to his shield mates.

"Watch where your going newbie." He said in a raspy voice, I quickly stood up and bruised the dust off. He gave me a look which was more like a look of hatred. I quickly understood why my brother wanted to beat him up every time, he currently had a storyline with my brother.

I continued to stare at him, I couldn't let him talk to me like that. I was here to prove that I can speak too. Orton's stick up for themselves and I'm going to prove that.

"Why don't you?" I spat as his eyes widened, probably since somebody was finally sticking up for themselves. I was always confident which I probably got from my older brother.

"Because, I don't need to." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, you do." I replied back as he stared at me blankly.

"Why should I anyways? Why should I listen to a newbie?" He asked with a laugh, I slightly cringed at the name 'newbie', I absolutely hated that name. Just because I was new here doesn't mean I was new to wrestling.

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now