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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose fan fiction

Chapter six^

Rylin's point of view;

I woke up with sunshines blinding my eyes, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. Today was our day off, and I didn't really have anything planned today. I grabbed my phone from the charger and checked my social medias.

Lately, I've been gaining so much followers which is crazy! I liked a couple of pictures and edits that people made of me. It was just amazing how they took their time to make something out of me.

That amount of support I got, makes me do better things, they're my motivation.

I checked my messages to see 1 from Paige.

Hey girl! Our girls trip to Hawaii is the day after Payback Raw, that makes no sense lol the Plane will be leaving at 6 in the morning so you gotta arrive at the airport before 6. I'm very excited! :)

A small grin plastered on my face as I finished reading the text, I was beyond excited to visit Hawaii. I've heard of how nice the beach was, how lovely the weather was, how fresh the drinks were. It would be a nice vacation to let all of my stress out.

I crawled out of my bed and slowly walked to the bathroom. I threw my hair into a messy bun, before washing my face and brushing my teeth. I changed into a beige top with some comfortable white shorts with black small stripes.

I barely had any bikinis with me, and I needed a pair of sneakers. Why not go shopping?



Looking through the aisle of bikinis, I wasn't so sure on which one I liked better. There were many nice ones, but it came down to 2 which had become my favourites. One of them was a 2 piece which was all black while the other one, was a one piece which had a little bit of pink with flowers designed.

After a minute of deciding which one I liked better, I decided to buy both of them since I couldn't decide and was running out of bikinis. Always got to be prepared and have an extra!

After I paid all of my stuff, I quickly left the mall, putting on my shades that were placed on top of my head to hide and tried not to get noticed. Sure I love my fans but sometimes it's kinda hard when you want to be alone.

I continued on walking through a bunch of busy people, some yelling on their phones and some just down each other throats. I mentally shivered at the sight, they should keep that private.

I noticed my shoes untied, instead of stopping at the middle of the way, I was smart enough to move to the side. I crouched down on the ground to tie my shoe.

"Hi." A voice approached me, "I didn't properly meet you but I'm Brie."

I looked up and was met by happy, giddy Brie. She had a smile plastered on her face. I was glad that she was talking to me. Not a lot of people accepted me since I debuted, which was quite tough.

"Rylin." I spoke, I put my hand out for her to shake but she gave me a look and my smile slowly fell. She then pulled me for a hug, oh so she's a hugger?

"Sorry, bout that. I prefer hugs." She said with a nervous laugh. We both sat down at the nearby bench.

"Oh that's alright," I replied looking down somewhat feeling shy. I started to feel insecure at how pretty she was compared to me.

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now