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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose Fan fiction;

Chapter two^

Rylin's point of view;

It's been nearly 2 weeks since the incident happened between Dean and I. I mean it really wasn't an incident, but why did he congratulate me? I thought he disliked me. He clearly made it obvious that he wasn't interested.

We both haven't contacted each other at all and I was fine with that, I didn't need more stress this week! This week has been stressful to me, I've been working extra hours now since I'm the champion, I had so much interviews and traveling to do. It's been unbelievable. The most stressful thing is that I have to defend my title at Payback which is in four weeks, it was my first title defence, I'm versing Nikki because she wanted a rematch.

Currently, I was at a breakfast bar with my brother. Randy got himself, a bagel with orange juice while I got myself the classy eggs and bacon.

"How have you been?" My brother asked, while taking a bite out of his bagel. Randy and I haven't talked at all this week, due to our busy schedules, it's nice to have breakfast with him on a beautiful morning.

"I've been busy and a little bit stressed," I say truthfully, I noticed a small frown spread across his face.

"If they're giving you too much, you know I can always tell them to give you some time off." He suggested with concern.

"No, no, it's okay." I assured him with a small smile, I was thankful to have such a caring brother like him. "Thank you, though."

"Anytime." He answered before taking a sip of orange juice.

"What about you?" I asked him.

"I've been doing good, I really wanna win the championship again but it's just hard since your lil boyfriend is with the authority and he cheats." He replied while making a face as I laughed.

"Randall!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He asked playfully, "it's true."

"Whatever." I mumbled rolling my eyes, "you have been champion for literally 12 times! And he's been a one time, give him a chance."

"That just proves, I'll beat him, Reigns and Ambrose!" He said with a smirk causing me to shake my head at him.

I continued on eating my bacon as Randy kept talking about random things. I wasn't quite interested in what he was saying since he was probably talking about his cars.

"Has he been treating you right?" Randy asked out of the blue, referring to Seth.

I nodded my head, "of course! He's just amazing and I just love him!"

"Okay, good, but I swear if that son of a bit-" I cut him off.

"Randall, I said he was good," I laughed slightly punching him in the arm. He looked a bit embarrassed, oh how I loved embarrassing him when we were little.

"Sorry." He mumbled as I giggled.

"How's Kim been?" I asked changing the subject, I saw his eyes lit up and a small smile forming onto his lips. We haven't talked about her in so long, and I wanted to know how she's been. Before when I met her, I disliked her for some reason, she just had the worst first impression which was probably why I didn't like her but later on I found out she was a mother to 3 kids and she was very sweet and kind. Now Kim and I get along quite well which was great and the way he talks about her meant that he loved her to much.

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now