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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose fan fiction;

Chapter four^

Rylin's point of view;

"Wake up!" Paige said cheerfully, hitting me with a pillow. I didn't like mornings at all and today was my break day so I didn't have to go to work.

"No, get lost." I groaned turning onto the other side of the bed, stuffing my head into the pillow.

"Lazy butt." She mumbled as I chucked a pillow that was beside me at her.

"Ow!" I heard her mumble, as I quietly giggled to myself.

"Game on." She said as I could feel her smirking, without warning she started hitting me with a bunch of pillows, but the stopped, "OH MY GOD, Dean what are you doing here?"

I immediately shot out of bed as I looked around, Paige saw my sudden outburst before laughing, I stared at her in disbelief. She then rolled on my bed still laughing as her feet wiggled around the bed almost kicking my face.

"Oh. My. God." She said in between fits of laughter, I didn't get what was so funny though, I crossed my arms and made a grunt.

"It's not even that funny." I protested as her laughter started dying down.

"Yeah it was." She argued, "you should of seen your face when I mentioned Dean."

"What about my face?" I questioned, "it was completely fine until someone woke me up."

She raised her hands in defence, "sorry but why would you move so quickly though? It's just Dean?"

She was right, I honestly didn't know why I was all of a sudden quick with high energy. Maybe, it was because I didn't want him to see me?

"Maybe, it's because I don't like him." I stated as she rolled her eyes before mumbling a "sure."

"Anyways, how in the world did you come into my room?" I asked her as I rubbed my eyes, I was still tired and my eyes were a bit droopy meaning I didn't get enough sleep last night or I was sleepy.

"Oh, you have really terrible hiding skills." She exclaimed, while holding up a key. "I mean who hides there key in the peephole?"

"I do not have terrible hiding skills." I defended as she smirked.

"It's called creativity, thank you very much." I said while grabbing the key from her hands, "your so weird."

"I'm so weird?" She asked as I nodded my head, "at least I'm not the one who hides it where a stranger can see it and break in."

"I hate you." I muttered loud enough for her to hear.

"You love me." She said with a cheeky grin, "get up lazy ass."

"Since somebody already woke me up, I'm up." I said as I narrowed my eyes towards her, in return she gave me a grin.

I stood up and slowly walked towards the washroom, I had my arms in front of me to provide me from hitting something, I bet I looked very silly!

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now