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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose fan fiction;

Chapter seven^

The next day. . .

Rylin's point of view;

The next morning, I woke up feeling better than ever, I was so proud of myself for not getting drunk last night because from my experiences hangovers and headaches are the worst! I quickly got out of bed to check on Paige as I spotted her slightly snoring.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, I also grabbed a bottle of Tylenol too, knowing she would need it. As I came back, Paige was on the couch holding her head with a slight groan.

"You okay?" I asked as she looked up.

"Hell no," she mumbled, "hangovers sucks!"

"I know they do! That's why I choose to stay sober," I said with a slight laugh before handing her Tylenol and a glass of water, she immediately took them.

"Thanks," she mumbled before laying back down on the couch.

"No problem," I replied staring at the ground, a memory from last night of Paige talking to Dean came up, it was quite embarrassing. "Do you remember what you did?"

"Uh, no?" She answered in confusion, a slight smile came onto my lips, "Rylin! What did I do!"

"Oh nothing." I sang with a small laugh.

"Rylin!" She exclaimed, "you better tell me now or else-."

"Or else what?" I asked cutting her off, in response she shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know," she answered, "thought that would scare ya or something, since it always works when someone says it."

"Uh," I stuttered at what she said, which was quite confusing, "okay then?"

"Can you please tell me?" She pleaded as I shook my head with a slight smirk, I'm just having fun and being my mean ole self. "You are mean, I mean I didn't even want to know what happened anyways, it must not be that bad."

"Oh it was!" I said with a grin as she looked at me in horror, "I'm pretty sure you'll want to hear it."

"Ah! Come on Ry! Just freakin tell me!" She exclaimed in my face.

"Such an impatient person," I mumbled to myself.

"What did you say?" She asked giving me a fake suspicious look.

"Nothing!" I answered her immediately before ending it with a laugh and giving her a sweet smile.

"Alright then," she said as she gave me a suspicious look.

"Anyways, last night you were drinking and drinking until you were drunk, Brie was so drunk that she fell off a tabl-."

"Get to the point!" She yelled as her eyebrows furrowed together.

"You flirted with an old man," I explained before bursting out into fits of laughter, "it was so funny! You kept wiggling your eyebrows too!"

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now