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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose fan fiction;

Chapter 3^

Rylin's point of view;

"Sorry," I mumbled looking up at him, it was just another ordinary day. I would of been here having a cup of coffee enjoying life but no I had to spill my coffee on the one and only Dean Ambrose. Great. I accidentally spilled my coffee on him by bumping into him. As I looked at his jacket, I noticed a deep colour, I think it might of stained his black expensive leather jacket.

"Ow!" He whined in response, probably from my coffee knowing that it's hot.

"I'm sorry," I apologized again as I walked towards him with a tissue. I started wiping the mark off his jacket but realized it wouldn't come off. I gulped realizing I was gonna be in deep trouble with Dean.

"You got my fucking jacket stained!" He yelled slightly scaring me, his face showed nothing more but anger, "move!"

I didn't want to create a scene in front of everyone so I nodded my head before moving out of his way, it kinda made me upset that I made him this mad, I mean it was actually not my fault. He was the one that bumped into me. I wanted to make it up to him by buying him another pair of leather jacket, hopefully he would at least be grateful.

Once I got to my hotel room, I quickly stripped down from my clothes before taking a long hot shower since I really needed one. After I showered, I changed into a simple white crop top with some orange shorts. Currently, we were in Tampa, Florida and it was pretty hot and nice out. My phone kept on ringing nonstop and it was pretty much annoying me, so I picked up me phone before answering it

"Hello?" I answered impatiently.

"Hi Rylin," the voice greeted, "it's Stephanie McMahon."



"Why is she here?" A voice asked as I walked in Stephanie's office, I huffed a breath before meeting my eyes with a pair of blue ones. I rolled my eyes before shutting the door behind me.

"Because I called her here." Stephanie looked annoyed.

I took a seat, far from Dean. He was being so nice to me, a couple of days ago and then it's like he's changed again. This man is so confusing yet frustration. Sure I spilled coffee all over his jacket, but that doesn't mean he gets to yell at me.

"I don't like her being here," Dean stated while pretty much glaring at me, I rolled my eyes at him for his behaviour, I'll make it up to him soon.

"Why am I even here?" I asked, "I don't wanna be hanging around with this crazy person."

"Bitch." He mumbled, as my eyes widened. Calling me a bitch was not necessary, he could at least not bring up anything to work.

"Asshole." I replied back, huffing a breath. It's weird how his words can get me so worked up.


"Okay ENOUGH!" Stephanie yelled, causing us to stop bickering at each other, and stay silent, "you two need to get along better." Stephanie sighed.

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now