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Eyes On You || Dean Ambrose fanfiction;

Chapter nine^

Rylin's point of view;

I was currently waiting at the guerrilla, since tonight was smackdown and I was scheduled to go against Brie. I looked from the TV to see her in the ring with her sister standing with her. I took a deep breath as I rolled my head around. My champion was hanging around one of my shoulders.

Okay, I never got to explain what happened after we went camping. All I can say was we were all tired as hell. Roman ended up telling the rest what happened, including every little details. That night, I barely got any sleep, I literally got only 3 hours of sleep, since I arrived in my room at like 4 or 5 in the morning.

Later on we had RAW, and I was lucky enough to not have a match. Poor Dean, Roman and Paige who had matches. I only had a backstage segment and I had to accompany Paige to the ring. I watched all of their matches and I found them a bit sloppy but I wouldn't blame them. I was pretty sure, Stephanie noticed their work and scolded them.

I shook my head as I heard my theme blast around the arena, causing the fans to erupt into cheers. I swear I was a fan favourite. I walked out and stood at the stage smiling at and reading some of the posters. I walked down, high-fiving some fans.

Ever since I debuted which was about 2 weeks ago, I made history. I won the divas champion from Nikki and I have been undefeated, which was quite impressive. I was planning on holding it after Payback.

"Making her way to the ring, from St.Louis Missouri, she is the divas champion, Rylin Orton!"

I got in the ring and held my champion in the air, winking and pointing to a couple of fans. These people literally make me the happiest girl in the world. I turned towards them, Brie gave me a small smile but Nikki gave me a glare. She whispered into Brie's ear with a smirk, but the look on Brie's face told that she kinda felt bad.

The bell rung, a sign for us to start. Nikki got out of the ring. Brie and I both locked up, I put her into a headlock. I bounced her off on the ropes, hitting her with clothesline after clothesline. I went for the cover and she kicked out at 2. She slowly rolled out of the ring to recover while Nikki stood beside her. I took the opportunity to bounce off the ropes and flip onto both of them.

"Look at her go!" Michael Cole exclaimed.

I got up from the impact, clutching onto my stomach and smiled, the fans cheered and chanted my name. That felt amazing to beloved by the WWE universe, I don't know how they liked me but all I know is that I should always try my best in every match and not let them down.

"Look at this place, everybody loves her!" JBL exclaimed as the fans kept chanting my name.

Nikki laid down on the ground, holding onto her head with an angry look, I blew her a kiss before dragging Brie's body into the ring. I stood on the apron ready to perform a move but Nikki grabbed a hold of my legs trying to make me fall down. Instead of falling, I kicked her in the face.

Brie took advantage and performed a DDT. I held my face since it was beginning to hurt. She went for a cover but I immediately kicked out at 1. We both stood up and I delivered a drop kick from her causing me to land at the bottom rope. She did her signature move.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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