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Eyes on you || Dean Ambrose fan fiction

Chapter five^

Rylin's point of view;

5:47 am:

We've landed in Chicago, the fresh smell of air. After being on a plane for 22 hours with the most annoying man ever was exhausting. Currently, we had no shows tonight since we just landed and most of us had live shows tomorrow night.

"See ya later, Rylin!" Dean said with a smile, showing his dimples.

I forced a smile back as I sat there in confusion, why was he all of a sudden being nice? I watched him walk off the jet in a hurry. I kinda like this side of him, there were so many sides of him, but I liked the calm, nice Dean better than the rude, selfish Dean.

I shook my head as I quickly got off the jet.

I spotted Seth walking out of jet looking tired as ever, I knew from my experience he was always grumpy coming out of planes.

"Babe!" I yelled through the crowded people as I approached him, a slight smile appeared on his lips. Our lips connected but we both pulled away after a few seconds.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked me as his eyes tightly shut.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked him.

"No, I couldn't sleep at all." He mumbled into my ear as I tightly hugged him. I felt bad since I knew he barely sleeps on planes, he complains of being uncomfortable.

I was still tired too, I decided to get going and book a room before all of them are taken.

"I'll see ya later! Sleep right away, okay?" I asked as he just slightly opened his eyes, before nodding, "great I love you!"

"Yeah, whatever." I heard him say, bringing a small frown on my lips. I just sighed and ignored him.

I arrived in a hotel and booked a room right away, I took a quick glance around noticing how the windows were beautifully made. I dropped all of my belongings by the door and jumped face first into the custom made bed and drifted off to sleep.



The sound of thunder woke me up, letting out a loud yawn. I checked my phone and posted a selfie of myself. @wwerylin: "Tired...💤"

I stared at the time showing 4:33 pm. I shut my phone off and rubbed my eyes.

What was I going to do?

Later on I found myself eating a box of fruity pebbles while watching Toy Story 3. I didn't know what else to do, I mean I hated rainy days and I barely knew where everyone was staying.

I let out a sigh before turning the tv off and putting my fruity pebbles away. The only thing I could think of was sleep or be extremely loud in the halls.

A smile placed on my lips as I remembered a memory of when Randall and I were young. We would always fool around and get kicked out of the places we went to, it was hilarious. Looking back, I must admit that Randall and I were pretty badass kids, I don't even know how mom managed to control us!

Eyes on you // Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now