Thursday 3:25pm Home Ec (section 3.3)

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Ø  Thursday 3:25 pm-Home Ec Room/Lauren, Parker and Mrs. Peterson

“What the hell just happened?” asked Lillian still standing in the home economics room, confused having witnessed the whole episode with Vinn. She watches Mrs. Peterson put the guys’ dishes in the sink, while she waits for their cake to cool down.

“I have no clue, but I think we need to talk to Eleanor about this. Things are getting kinda weird with those guys,” says Parker as he finishes pouring the batter out of the mixing bowl into the greased cake pan.

“Yeah, I think we do,” Lillian says with a sigh as she places their cake pan in their oven. “Things are getting a little too weird for us to stay here.”

While Parker and Lillian were waiting for their cake to finish baking, they listened in boredom to Mrs. Peterson’s story about her first teaching job. Lillian would have fallen asleep if the timer didn’t go off at that exact moment. She was so startled that she almost fell off her stool. Parker just looked at her, rolled his eyes and gave her a little smirk.

“You kids may go. I will grade your cake as soon as I finish up the boy’s dishes. I will wash yours as well. Just remember that tomorrow you have to follow every direction as it is written down. If you don’t understand one of the directions or what something means, just ask me and you will not have to stay after school and waste your day,” explained Mrs. Peterson.

“Yes ma’am. We will try to remember that tomorrow,” responds Parker.  He turns to pick up his book bag and rolling his eyes at how stupid Mrs. Peterson must think they are.

As they walk out of the class room, Lillian walks over to her locker, but the door opens before she can even touch it. She looks at Parker and gives him a wide smirk. “No one is around. Don’t worry.”

“I hope your right,” says Parker. Lillian reaches into her locker and pulls out her geometry notebook and places it in her side bag.

When she closes her locker, she closes her eyes for only a moment and takes a deep breath and whispers to Parker, “We need to get to Eleanor and Tiffani fast.”

Parker put his lanky hand on Lillian’s shoulder to calm her down, “Lillian, we need to stay relaxed. There is no need to freak Eleanor out.  You know if we get her worked up she will just find some way to make us leave.”

Lillian took a deep breath in, “Okay, less thinking, less thinking.”

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