september seventh - 12:03am

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back again, i was,

staring at the grey walls of my room.

it was like every other night,

my legs under the covers

and my hands holding a pillow,

eyes-wide open,

waiting, just waiting,

for my door to creak open once again.

it never did.

but i still stared at the grey walls,

painted by the uneven glow

of flickering streetlights.

how long i would stare at those grey walls,

i did not know.

long enough to make me forget.

// AH IT'S STARTING. just to let you know, some chapters will be long and others will be short, depending on what's going on in the plot. i'm so excited to write this you guys i promise it gets better!! 

as for the characters, i have them posted, but ill have a picture in one of the future chapters of all of the characters together, as i see them. 

anywho, random question: favorite type of weather???

mine is thunderstorms (': //

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